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The music blared as everyone continued to intermingle about things Tyler could care less about. Every couple of minutes he would turn to see where and what Wyatt was doing.

"We're gonna go grab more wine, you sure you don't wanna drink anything?" Frank asked T, he could tell who he was looking at.

Frank pulled him to the side before he left.

"I'm so sorry about him being here. I didn't invite him. I didn't even know Nathalie knew him, I just told everyone they could bring a friend, I feel so bad," Frank half-whispered.

"Nah, It's good. I'm over it remember?" Tyler smiled.

"If you were you wouldn't be staring at him all night. But sure." Frank patted T's arm lightly, walking away.

Tyler brushed off the comment.

He caught a glimpse of Wyatt as he walked behind a brick wall, he looked like he went to answer a call.

T tried small talk with a few of Frank's friends, but it was getting boring. Leo was flirting with someone else, and Frank had his lover with him. He sighed as he excused himself.

Tyler walked up to the brick wall, sliding through a small slip on the side. There was some stairs that he climbed up to get to the top of another rooftop. As he got to the top, he stopped himself as he saw Wyatt sat on the edge of the rooftop.

He inched closer, not wanting to startle him.

Tyler sat next to him, a few inches away. Wyatt didn't say anything. He didn't even look to see who had sat beside him. It was like he already knew. A few seconds passed.

Wyatt spoke.

"Aren't you supposed to be out there with someone?" He kept his gaze at the traffic underneath them. His voice was soft.

"Leo?" Tyler asked, "He's just a fling."

Wyatt didn't say anything.

"Where's Morgan?"

"We're on a break."


Tyler watched Wyatt fiddle with his fingers. He couldn't see his face because of the curls surrounding him.

He asked a burning question that had been stuck in his head.

"Are we still friends?"

Wyatt looked up at him, a small but noticeable grin appearing on his lips.

"You tell me," Wyatt replied.

"You stopped keeping contact after a while, so I wasn't sure."

"I didn't wanna reach out. I thought you'd be better off without me..." Wyatt looked down at his hands, "...But somehow we ended up here."

The wind was warm, summer was ending and the sun had set completely.

"I had time to figure it out though. I think, I think–I'm over it." Tyler hesitated.

Was he really over it? He kept telling himself that he was; over and over, but it didn't change the fact that his stomach filled with butterflies every time he thought of Wyatt.

Wyatt looked up at him, he was biting the inside of his cheek harshly. Tyler could tell.

"Are you sure?"

It took Tyler off guard.

"Why are you asking?" Tyler chuckled. He was hiding his nerves. Something he rarely did.

"I just, I don't wanna fuck you up again. I don't wanna hurt you."

Tyler's heart beat faster than ever.

"I won't let you. I just wanna keep contact and see each other–,"

"Do you really fucking want that?" Wyatt had resentment in his voice. He didn't want to be around T if it meant T was still in love with him.

Tyler knew what he meant.

"Wyatt, I just want to be around you. You're too fucking cool for me. I don't give a fuck if I have to see Morgan every day for the rest of my fucking life—I just wanna know if we can still be friends. It's all I want."

Wyatt fell silent. They both were.

In that moment they both realized Tyler wasn't over him. The emotion in his voice wasn't of someone that was over it. T was hiding his feelings under every layer he could, just so it could appear the way he wanted it to.

To be around Wyatt was all he craved. Even if it meant not having him.

The burning unanswered question arose once more.

"Are we still friends?" Tyler pressed again.

"You're not over me."

"Just answer the fucking question." Tyler was growing frustrated.

Wyatt got up, sighing as he began to make his way down to the edge, down the stairs, back to Frank's rooftop.

He never answered it.

Tyler followed behind, his heart pacing as he realized what he was losing. It couldn't be happening. It felt like he was slipping out of his hands. It wasn't ending the way he wanted it to.

He got to Frank's party and looked around frantically. Wyatt was nowhere to be found.

"You okay?" Frank caught him.

"Wyatt. You seen Wyatt?" T's eyes hovered over everyone.

"Tyler you need to let him go—,"

T didn't listen. He was wasting precious time. Before Frank could finish, Tyler ran down the flight of stairs, biting his lip as he hoped to find Wyatt. Just as he got to the bottom, he saw the exit door close shut.

T opened the door, his heart in his throat.


He took a hold of his arm before he could get away.

"I don't wanna end this season on a bad episode," Tyler caught his breath, "Are we still friends? I have to fucking know."

Wyatt traced Tyler's features, realizing how desperate he was for something more. Wyatt knew he was bad for Tyler. He knew if he didn't get away it would be a vicious cycle for Tyler. But he wanted to give him peace of mind. It was the last thing he could do.

"We always will be."

Tyler searched Wyatt's face for validation, but his eyes were different. He was expressionless, there was nothing.

Tyler let go of his arm, nodding lightly.

Wyatt turned, walking off in the same direction Tyler had stopped him from going. Tyler knew it was going to be different—nothing would be the same again.

IGOR: Tyler, The Creator Where stories live. Discover now