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Once a long time ago in another reality lived three kingdoms. Olkarion, Altea, and Diebisal.(Galra planet. Idk how to spell it hElp) These three kingdoms lived together in peace on the same planet.
The kingdom of Olkarion having the Holt royal family, Altea having the Altea family, and the Galra's home having their royals. Regarding keeping peace, the eldest prince of Olkarion would marry the princess of Altea, and the princess of Olkarion would marry the Galran prince. The four were friends sence they were small children. The Prince of Olkarion's name is Matthew, and his little sister named Kathryn. Katie is the young Princesses nickname. Altea's princess being Allura, and Lotor being the Galra of the group. The four could barely be separated, always asking to see each other. Even though at the time her brother was twelve and she was nine, Katie knew her brother would not be taking the throne. Which means she would be. However she wouldn't get to see that day for years.
~8 years later Katie P.O.V~
Ever sence I was a small girl I had know my brother Matt (Now 20) would not take the throne. I have been in training to take and will be the Queen once I turn 21. My best friend Allura will be taking the throne next year, and Lotor will take his once his father passes. However, none of would have expected to see the true horrors of war. A man sharing the same face as Lotor's father killing my people. A woman wearing a cloak hurting the guards. The man took notice of me and walked my way. I tried so hard to defend myself, but alas, I could not. Once he had hold of me I used my powers to hold his arms in place and escape. I completed the action and ran to find my friends and brother. All our parents agreed that if this happened us four would be sent away. To where? We have no idea. I arrived at the portal to see my friends.
"Are you ready, Katie?" Allura asked.
"Yes." And with that we locked arms and jumped in.
We had all known the tests of the portal worked. Our parents had gone through and talked to themselves from the other reality. However something went wrong. Horribly wrong. Something similar to lightning struck and separated Allura, Lotor, and myself. Matt was able to hold on to me.The other two royals were sent to what seemed like two other time periods. Allura was gone first, then Lotor. Soon enough Matt and I reached the end. We braced for impact when a spell was put on us. I was turned into a twelve year old while my brother went back to sixteen. The portal final shot us out and we landed in someone's front yard.
"Sam? What was that?" A familiar voice asked.
"It could be them, Colleen." A male voice stated.
I looked at Matt and he looked just as confused as I was. He looked back at me and I got a good look at his face. He normally looks like a normal Olkari, now however, he looks Altean with out the pointy ears or marks. I could only assume I looked the same. The house's front door opened and a man who was looking somewhat like my brother stepped out. Matt pushed me behind and got into a defensive position. The man started to speak.
"Are you two Matt and Katie Holt?"
"Tell us who you are first and why you have my fathers voice!" My brother said.
"My name is Sam Holt. Your father told me something like this would happen one day. Your father and I are the same person, but from different realitys." Sam said back. "He asked my wife, Colleen, and I to watch over you two till you could go back."
"Sounds like something dad would do.." My brother mumbled. "Ok, we will stay with you."
Sam nodded his head and showed us in. I never left Matt's side. We had met Colleen (Who is almost identical to my mother) and now were being shown our rooms. Matt's came up first and he had to decide what to put in it. Sam said I would do the same. We arrived at a door and he opened it.
"And this is your room, Katie. As long as I can get it, you could put a lot of stuff in here."
The room didn't have much. A bed, small table next to it, a desk and bookcase. I nodded to him and he left me to think.
Sam called what we turned into humans. They are the most thriving population on the planet. Though they look like alteans they had never heard of it. Never heard of our home. As much as I want to sit and mope, I also didn't want this boring of a room. I wanted books. And something different on my bed. As i was thinking of what to put in here someone knocked on my door.
"Katie? Time for diner." Colleen said. I walked out of the room and started to head down with her. "So why is it you never talk?"
"She has always been a shy one, Mrs. Holt." My brother told her. "She'll warm up to you soon, I'm sure." I nodded my head a gave a little laugh.
We sat down at the table and started talking of our new life. Sam said he would sign me up for school, but let Matt try to get into the Garrison. Matt said what he wanted in his room, and then asked what I wanted.
"A-all I really want are books and something other than white on my bed. Thank you."
"You want your walls some other color?"
"If y-you could that would be nice. Thank you."
"You don't have to be so formal anymore Katie. Believe me." Sam said to me.
I started to eat this food called pizza. Matt and I both looked spectical to eat it. I shrugged and took a bite. Its good. I guess Matt took notice of my face because he to took a bite. His face also lit up. The two adults laughed at our reactions but we didn't care. Dealing with an evil stronger than Emperor Zarkon himself, nearly dying in a worm hole-portal thing, and meeting your new parents is a lot of work.
"Oh, Shiro said he would like to come over as well." Sam said looking at a tablet like item.
"I do believe that would be fine. Would you two be up for meeting our basically adopted son?" Colleen asked us. We nodded our heads.
"Ok, he should be here in ten-fifteen minutes. You two should probably know some stuff about him. Ok he is turning eighteen in February, is in the Garrison, and is Japanese. And let us two do the talking, ok?" We nodded a yes and the door bell rang.
"Come in Shiro!" Sam yelled to the door.
A man with black hair, and grey eyes. He would have looked like my boyfriend had he been a galra. He looked at my brother and I and looked confused.
"Who are they Mr. Holt?" He asked.
"These are Matthew and Katie. Colleen and I have adopted them."
"Ah. Nice to meet you two, I'm Takashi Shirogane. Or Shiro for short." The man said.
"Nice to meet you as well, Shiro." I said.
By now Colleen had pulled up another chair and Shiro sat down in it.
"So, either of you trying for the Garrison?" The teen asked.
"Matt is, yes. I however, as of right now, am not. Maybe in a year or so." I responded.
"Cool, my team just lost its comnication officer and we really need one."
"I will look into it." My brother told him.
We all talked for about another hour before Shiro had to leave. We said our goodbyes and I went to my room. Before any of us left we were to keep one diary of the paladins. I had kept my own and the black paladins.
'Dear Diary,
January 20th
Today we final left our home. Allura and Lotor were seperated from us. We were taken in by a lovely couple. Sam and Colleen are very kind. I also met a boy named Shiro. He seems so much like the black paladin. I miss him so very much. All I want is to see my boy again. I want to see all of the paladins again. My best friends Hunk and Lance, my boyfriends brother Keith and him. Also Coran. Although he might be an uncle to me, he was still great. Anyway I must find out what my new color should be. Should I stick with green, or go to purple?
Anyway, your paladin, Kathryn Holt.
I closed the book and picked up the book with the black paladin symbol.
'Dear Diary,
January 31st
Today I have finally asked Princess Katie to take my hand in a dance, and she agreed! To think! A galra with the Olkarion princess! Keith is really happy for me. I am thankful for that. And the two of us agreed if I asked the princess, he would ask Lance. He said he would Tommorow at training. We will also be training with our humans. It is odd. But it could be worse I suppose. Anyway I must go. My new partner is calling me.
Your paladin,
Takashi Shirogane.

'Dear Diary,
February 29th
Today is my date of birth! I have final turned 21 and can marry anyone of the age 18 or older. I just have to wait another two years before Katie and I could think of marriage. Within the next week I will get my final paladin armor. Anyone with royal blood gets theirs at ago 18. Next year Katie will get her armor. Allura has gotten hers. She got hers two years ago. Although she might not have a lion she still fights so well. Anyway this is more than I normal write and the paladins are having a party for me.
Your now 21 year old paladin,
Takashi Shirogane.

Dear diary,
March 4th
This will be my last entry. Today the war has started. The paladins are being sent away for safety with the lions. Except the green paladin. She will stay here till the other royals have to leave. I am giving this diary to her. Lance is giving his to his sisters best friend, Allura. Keith's is going with our prince. Hunks is going with the Olkari prince.
I am putting my letter to my loved one in here. So here it is Katie.
Katie. You are the light of my life. I was going to ask you to marry me once you turned 18. All I ask is you stay safe. I love you with my heart. You know what my human form looks like. Please give this to him. I want to remeber you. Tell Matt I said hi. Everyday for the last week I have been dreading this day. The day we say goodbye. But it is not goodbye forever, just for now. I love you with all my heart. Remember me. That's all I ask of you.
I must go now. We are leaving in less than 120 tic's. Yes I am cutting it close.
Your Black Paladin,
Takashi 'Shiro' Shirogane.
I had finished reading and got ready to sleep. It took me a while but I did fall asleep.

*5 years later*
Dear diary,
August 30th
It has been over five years sence we came to this reality. Is it different? Hell yeah. Do I like it? Yeah. Do I miss my friends? Yeah. So much. Everyday I have been reading Shiro's diary to keep my memories of him fresh. Matt, Shiro, and Dad started the Kerberos mission today. They will be gone for over a year. I hope they will be ok. They are the new family I have had. I also got into the galaxy garrison. I'm going to be either a pilot or engineer. Hopefully a pilot. That would be so much fun! I have also met my team. Keith Kogane who is probably the pilot (Dreams crushed) and a girl named Jordan. She said she would stick with com. So I guess I would be the engineer. Anyway I must go. Packing must be done!
Your lovely paladin,
Katie 'Pidge' Holt❤
I finished writing and put the book down. Pidge is the nickname Matt has been calling me for the past few years. Shiro started to call me Pidge a couple months ago. I have grown to like the new name. I grabbed the green suitcase that I have been using for the past three years. I grabbed a weeks worth of clothes and the needed uniform. I also put the two diarys in and grabbed shampoo and conditioner. I closed the suitcase and brought it down stairs. I wasn't leaving until tomorrow morning but its good to be prepared. I also didn't want to deal with it.
"Katie, dinner!" My mother said.
"Ok mom! Be there in a minute!" I yelled back.
I ran back up stairs and grabbed my phone. I then went back down and into the kitchen. When its just us two we eat in there. I could smell peanut butter cookies.
"Its your favorite spaghetti. Everything was home made." Mom said with a small smile.
"Thanks mom! I also smell peanut butter cookies!" I said loudly.
"We will have those after. For now, eat up." She said.
I started eating and realized I wouldn't be able to have moms home cooked meals anymore after today. I frowned a bit and finished. After I finished my mom gave my a small plate of the cookies. I smiled at her.
"The rest you can take with you. The trip to America is a long one so you can take it."
"Ok, I have to pack my back pack but that's it."
"I would put the two books you read in it, so you have something to do."
By now I know Shiro's book like the back of my hand. But I nodded and took the plate up with me. I took the two books out and brought them up with me. I put them in the medium sized bookbag along with my computer, charger, battery pack and all my other on flight needed stuff. In the morning I would pack the rest of my stuff. I fell asleep knowing Tommorow I would be leaving my home for the past years.
Words: 2454 (Wow)
Jordan: I came up with this really weird idea and have been playing with it for a while.
Ash: She told me about it!!! Its cool!!
Jordan: Any that's it. I'm gonna try to update like once a week. Also Thursday(4 days from now) I wouldn't be updating anything till at least Sunday/Monday. Please tell me if there are any mistakes. Anywaaaay till next time my little werewolf pups!!!

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