Ch. 10

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They nodded and we set of to the garden.
We arrived at the fake painting and I looked around. I saw that the coast was clear so we slipped in. It was a narrow passage, only meant for one person. We didn't care and continued to walk.
The door was just in reach when Lance fell. We all laughed a bit then helped him up.
I walked out followed by the other paladins. I opened the gates to our area and sat in the green chair.
"You guys can sit now. I know it must be confusing for you."
"Yeah. Confusing is an understatement. Did you have to go through this?" Keith asked.
"No, only because I'm a royal."
"So Allura didn't have to go through this?" Lance questioned.
"She didn't. Anyway, we need to talk about something else - but still relating to this problem."
"What is it then?" The younger galra asked.
"The other reality we called home. Lance and Hunk have families there that don't know what happened to you. Keith has his mom who is probably worried. And Shiro has the Atlas crew."
"I- how did I not think of that? I'm an idiot." Shiro mumbled.
"You thought you would go back home. B-but now you can't. I'm sorry, this is my fault. If- if I had been strong enough then I could have stopped him." I said tearing up.
"Pidge its ok. We aren't mad at you. I promise you that." Lance said.
"I-I know... But I can't help it."
I failed to notice the vines crawling up my legs. I noticed when they grabbed my arms.
I screamed, knowing that my power was going out of control.
"Oh god- what do we do?!" Lance panicked.
"I-I don't know! Pidge? What do we do?!" Hunk screamed.
"She's having a panic attack. Give her some space. Does anyone have music on them?" Keith asked.
"She had her phone and headphones in her room. I can run and get them." Shiro said running to the entrance.
I kept having flashbacks to the war.
"Let me go! Help!" I screamed.
"It is no use, Paladin. Everyone is gone." The man standing infrount of me said.
"No! No they aren't. They-they can't be.." I said while losing my voice.
"They are. Now give up your power to me and I will not hurt your kingdom."
I looked over to where my parents lay bleeding. I had lost Matt before they were hurt.
"Never. You will not get the Olkari's power." I yelled into his face.
He picked me up and spit in my face.
"I wouldn't do that, little girl."
Calling me 'little girl's pushed me over the edge.
Rose vines started to climb up his legs. I forced them to go faster so I didn't lose the feeling in my legs.
"What is this?!" He screamed.
He dropped me, panicking. I stood up and ran to my parents.
"Katie... Go to the meet spot... The others should be there..." My mother coughed out.
"I can't just leave you two!" I screamed.
"Please... This is... Our last wish... Please..." My father whispered.
They both fainted. And I knew they would never wake up again. I forced two royal colored roses to grow and then ran.
I ran until my legs gave out and then stopped to rest. I sat down in the dirt and rain bawling my eyes out.
That was until Matt picked me up.
"We have to go. Where are mom and dad?"
"They're gone, Matt. They were killed by the evil."
"Oh god... We need to go. Can you run?"
"No. My legs gave out. They won't work."
"Ok. Then I can carry you. We have to go."
"I-I know. Lets go."
We ran to the meet up spot and waited. A portal popped up and we jumped in.
By then I'm guessing Shiro got my ear buds. Someone put them in my ear and turned the song to Coming Home Part 2.
I started to calm down as the lyrics went on. By the time the song was done I was calm and ready to face the world.
"Thank you." I said to the boys surrounding me.
"Of course, Kate. Now lets head back inside before someone else causes another panic attack." Shiro said.
I nodded yet my legs wouldn't work. I stood up and almost fell.
Luckily Shiro grabbed my hand and back before I fell. I blushed at the position we were in and smiled.
He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his torso while my arms went around his neck. He wrapped his human arm under my legs and his metal arm on my back.
By then the others had started to walk towards the normal entrance. The guards stopped them before they could get in.
"Holt! How did you get into the castle garden? What business do you have here?" I recognized the voice as James Griffin, head guard and an old friend.
"James I swear on my mother's grave that I will destroy you if you don't let us go." I said looking at him.
"But princess-"
"No buts. Let us through. Now. That's an order frim your princess."
"Correction -Queen."
  "Your just giving me more power to work with here. Now. Lets us through."
"Fine. You boys heard our Queen."
The guards stepped away from the entrance and we walked into the castle.
Like always the first person I noticed was my personal guard and closest friend, Adam Write.
He is both Altean and Olkari, much like me. He is our true head guard, him being James's mentor. Also the best pilot next to Shiro. His powers are most just like normal half-breeds but he also has some sick aim with a blaster. He looks like an Altean, just without the markings. He has Olkari markings instead.
He is also the biggest gay I have ever met.
Rainbows everywhere. He always has some sort of rainbow on him. Most of the time it being his watch, a rainbow and rain themed one.
After seeing me attached to Shiro's back he ran up.
"What is wrong with Katie?"
"Nothing. Just chillin' out on my boyfriend."
"Ok then. You need to be dress fitted for the coronation."
I dropped off of Shiro and walked off with my friend.
"Green or purple?"
"Purple. There's more choices."
"Ok. Purple. Long or short?"
"Purple, long. Second color?"
"Purple, Long, White. We will have a dress picked out in a couple of moments."
The brown haired male walked into the dressing room and came out with two dresses.
"Which one?"

 "Which one?"

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~~~~~~~~~Hey guys!! Please go check my oneshots book! Also I am thinking about if this book gets a lot of reads I might start to update twice a week

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Hey guys!! Please go check my oneshots book! Also I am thinking about if this book gets a lot of reads I might start to update twice a week. Maybe. If I did, Monday and Friday. So let me know about that. That's all, good night. (Writing this at 8:40 pm.)

The Paladin from another Reality.(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now