capter 1

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(Ravens pov)

Me,Jessica,and Briana are walking down main street in L.A when we see these two kids sitting down on a curb by themselves.

Raven: Hey guys look at those kids over there.

Jess:Do you want to see if there ok.

Raven&Briana: Well duhhh

We all walk over to the two kids one girl and one boy

Jess: Hey are you guys ok.

The kids: yeah were fine were just waiting for the cab to take us to our hotel.

Briana: What hotel  we can take you.

Raven: Yeah cause it does not look like there is gonna be a cab anytime soon.

When i said that the two  kids looked at me and just stared and for a minite i was so confused but i just shrugged and asked

Raven:Whats your names?

The boy: Im cole and thats rachel.Thanks for tacking us back to the hotel.

Jess&briana:No problem

(Coles pov)

Me and rachel were just sitting there when 3 girls walk up to us and start to ask us if we were ok and i said that we were just waiting for a cab. The one girl that asked if we were ok was twins with the one who offered to take us home.At first we couldnt see the other girl but when we did we were so shocked that she looked like are older brother Dominic who had a twin sister but was taken when she was just a baby. The thing is that my parents really never stopped looking for her my whole life i wanted to find this long lost sister of mine but we never found her.As i was thinking this the three girls were walking us back to the hotel when we get there we go in the hotel room to see are parents and brothers worried about us.we take them to the girls who lead us home.

(Elizbeths pov)

Cole and rachel have been gone for 4 hours and we are all getting worried about them.I cant stand the thought of losing two more children.I lost Raven and i i am terrified to lose anymore.

Dylan:Mom im sure they are on there way home.

Elizbeth:But what if there not.

Ethan:it will be ok honey they can take care of themselves.

As Ethan finished saying that cole and rachel walked in the hotel room

Cole: Mom, dad come and say hi to the girls who walked us back.the cab did not show so they walked us here.

(Ravens pov)

We walked those kids home and when we got there we waited for them to come back because thats what they told us to do.When they come back they say thank you to Jess and Briana and im just leaning on the wall when cole says my name.

Cole: And this is the 3rd girl Raven.


Elizbeth:omg is that really you. Is that my racen

I look at her confused and then she comes up to me and hugs me.I look at Jess and Briana and they look at me confused.They take me into the hotel room and explain evrything how i was taken from them when i was just 5 months old and how they never stopped looking for me.

Jess:That Bitch im gonna kill her.

She gets up and heads for the door but i stoo her.

Raven:Jess calm down and sit down.

She sits and then i just stand ther staring at them.

Raven:umm..Your saying that your my parents and my family and that my whole life has been a lie.All the moving and abusive tgings she did to me could have never happened?


Raven:How do i know you are not lieing?

When i say that a boy comes out from behind them and when i look at him he looks just like me.I just stand ther shocked and then i snap out of it when j here Ethan say

Ethan:Do you belive us now?

I shake my head and say


Dylan:good because im tired of just standing here.

He walks up to me and says

Dylan:Im Dylan and im the oldest of the children.
He gives me a hug and i just stand there and Briana says

Briana:I think you are suppost to hug  back Raven.

I wrap my arms around him and hug him he then stands to the side and then another boy comes up and says.

Dayton:Im Dayton the second oldest brother

He hugs me and i hug him back

Then the boy who looked just like me walks up to me and says

Dominic: Im Dominic Third oldest and also your twin brother.

He hugs me and i instintly feel this connection i have never felt before.

Then cole says

Cole:I know you already know me but i figured i just say hi

They all laugh but me.I just stand there with a half smile on my face.Then Elizbeth and Ethan come up to me and they both hug me at the same time.
They stop higging me and i look at Jess and Briana and i go up to them and hug them.

Raven:What are you guys gonna do?

Jess:I think we gotta go back.

Raven:you can't you guys are my family,you guys are my sisters,you guys have been there sience day one you can't go back after what they did to you.

Briana:Raven you are the best person who could ever come into our lifes but its time for us to go back to the orphanage.You will always be our sister never forget that.

Elizbeth:you guys are orphens?

Jess:yeah we have been prphans sience we were 12.

Elizbeth:you guys seem very close to raven so i was thinking if it was okay with evryone then maybe we could adopt you guys.

I look at elizbeth and she looks at me then she looks at the boys and they all shook there heads yea so did ruby and then we all look at ethan and he looks at me and says

Ethan:Any family of Ravens is family of us.

Me,jess,and briana look at each other and hug.


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