chapter 8

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Raven: Anyway who want's to hear the story?

They all look at me and I begin the story.

Raven: It was two years ago and I was walking down the street with Jess and Bri when I bumped into someone. My natural instinct was to punch the person in the face but I turned around to this girl a little younger then me. I thought that it was not a good idea seeing as though she had a Falcon tattoo on her neck. Now I'm pretty sure everyone here knows what a falcon tattoo means so I am not going to explain. Three weeks later she was apart of our little group and I thought we had finally found a place to stay were no one would end up looking for us. We were to the point were we would actually have considered joining there gang and meeting her older brother did not help the fact that we had to leave in a couple months because again we were on the run and could not stay in one place for to long. Me and her older brother got close and we started to date each other. Me not really knowing what love was thought that I loved him, I didn't want to leave no one really wanted to leave. We dated each other for about two months and I didn't even tell Jess and Bri what I am about to tell you but I joined there gang and I also ended up pregnant.

I didn't even look up to see everyone's face I just continued the story.

Raven: Two days after I found out that I was pregnant I was forced into a car that was going to a warehouse were Lacy black the women who kidnapped me was. Come to find out the man that I so call loved was working with her and helped her beat me until I almost bleed out. I never told him that I was pregnant so he really didn't know but that does not change the fact that he beat me half to death. Jess and Bri ended finding me an saved me. I was not gonna leave without killing him so I made them leave after freeing me. I hid for about a hour before he finally came back in the room. When he did I jumped on top of him and stabbed him in the stomach three times. I made sure to tell him that I was pregnant and he had killed his unborn child. I have not let anyone in since then.

I finally look up and see that everyone is looking at me with so much anger and sadness.

Jess: Why didn't you tell us that you were pregnant. We could have helped you.

Raven: no you couldn't, and believe me I was going to tell you I wanted to tell him first, I wanted him to know that I was carrying his child. I was actually going to throw a party to tell everyone that I was pregnant. I only found out two days before he kidnapped me.

At this point I'm crying. crying is something that I have not done in years. The last time I cried was the day that I was beat half to death by my first love.

Rachel: your over it, you moved on, you have a better life now and your doing better then you ever have, you don't need to worry about him anymore, he is gone.

Raven: you know I never thought that I would get to say the words I love you to anyone ever again. Now that I have the family that I always wanted I can say it anytime.

I looked around the table to see that my family members are in tears. The boys are just sitting there without any emotion on there faces. I was getting tired of the awkward silence so I spoke up.

Raven: you don't have to worry about it I'm over it and I also have someone else in mind that is way better then him.

I didn't know if this person felt the same way but he makes me soft and that's something that many people cant do.

Briana: Omg who is it.

Raven: That's for me to know and for you to find out.

Kane gets up and goes out the room. He also slams the front door shut.

Raven: He is so bipolar. I bet he don't even know that the person I was talking about was him.

Derrick: You like him?

Raven: Well I just said that I did didn't I and to be honest it was kind of obvious.

Alex: well lucky for you he feels the same.

Raven: well all this better stay between us because I want to get to know him better.

Alex: why do you want to get to know him more you already know more about him then most people.

Raven: I just want him ton open up to me. I don't trust most people and the fact that I trust you guys is crazy because I meet you not even three months ago. Just tell me this if I tell him how I feel do you think that he would open up to me more.

Derrick and Alex: YESSSSSS!!!!!!!!!

Raven: Damn you don't have to yell. Call him and tell him I need to talk to him and to meet me in my room.

I go upstairs to my room and lay on my bed and wait for him to get here

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