Chapter 14

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Raven: You've got to be fucking kidding me

Kane: Its been 6 years I think that you have had enough time to "heal" or whatever the reason you left was.

Raven: The reason I left is because you broke me and my trust completely and all you could call me was a " broken brat" or do you not remember saying that

Kane: You know I did not mean it that way, at the time I needed you to hate me or they were not gonna give the gang to me, they said that they needed a leader and that they knew I was close to you so that if I broke your heart then I could have the gang to myself.

Raven: but why would they need you to be there leader when they could of had Ashlyn?

Kane: Raven Ashlyn was pregnant and she wanted out for the baby's sake and now she is married and is under my protection because she was also forced to do this by Lacey.

Raven: By the way is she still living or did you kill her because everyone new that that was my job.

Kane: she is not dead but I cant say she isn't suffering

Raven: Well I guess I still get my revenge and plus let her suffer a little she deserves it.

Jackson: Sorry boss but you really need to cut this reunion short because i just got message that someone attacked are warehouse on twelfth.

Raven: that's the warehouse with most of our guns, are they still there.

Jackson : They caught the leader of the gang and the second and third in command.

Raven: Good, sorry Kane but its obvious that I have to go reschedule and I will make sure that I see my family within the next week cause right now its mandatory for this alliance.

Kane: If you want I can go with you it might be easier to track down who did it.

Raven: Yeah sure but only your second and third in command and you can come, by the way who are they.

????: OHH my god I cant believe you forgot about us I mean come on really Raven.

Raven: I should have known that it was your dumb asses, how have you been how's Jess and Bri?

(if you have not guessed yet it is Alex and Derrick)

Alex: I don't really know how they are they broke up with us because they thought we had something to do with what dumb ass over there did but we eventually found out what really happened and we ended up killing the parents.

Derrick: we tried telling them but they wouldn't listen, so they ended up going on the run again and we cant seem to find them, we do know that they have the same phone numbers though because we call and it rings, but when they pick up they don't say anything.

Raven: I bet you I can find them in a week.

Alex: Impossible we have been looking for the past 6 years naan stop and we still cant seem to find them.

Raven: You seem to forget who I am Alex, and not only that but I know all there favorite places to go and were they wanted to live and visit.

Kane: Of course you do but do you remember you have a warehouse to get to.

Raven: Oh yeah that's right I do, Shall we go then.

We all walk out the door and got into two cars, once we get there I walk in and the place is destroyed I then here yelling and I go towards the sound and I cant believe what I see. Its My god damn brothers

Raven: Are you fucking kidding me first i have to deal with Kane and then I have to deal with you guys to?

Dylan: do we know you?

Dominic: Wait, is that you Raven.

Raven: should have known that you would have got it I mean you are my twin after all.

I then see my guards watching us

Raven: Let all three of them go.

The guards let them go and the first thing that happens is that i am embraced in three tight holds

Raven: You know this is not how I pictured us meeting again, I never imagined you breaking into one of my warehouses.

Dominic: We missed you to, do you know how much trouble you caused.

Raven: Do you relies how much pain I was in. I formed this gang so that I didn't have to focus on the pain.

Dominic: But your family didn't cause this that bitch over there did.

Dominic states pointing at kane

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