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The day at school was OK and nothing serious happened. Ashley did try to start something in the hallway but then she seen Dominic walk up to us.

Three hours later

School is now over and we are at the store getting some stuff for the party.

When we get home we tell Dayton to take Cole and Rachel to there friends house to spend the night. The party starts at eight  so most people do not show up until 8:30-9:00.its now 8:30 and there is nearly anyone here so I decide to check my Instagram to see if anything else is happening. I see that Amber is throwing a party and that everyone is there so I am gonna decide to crash it with everyone here. when we get to her house I see people just standing there.


People just stare at me and I just roll my eyes and say.

Raven:if y'all want to see a real party then get your asses to my party cause this sucks.

I started to leave and noticed everyone starts to come outside and get into there cars when Amber comes out and starts to cuss me out.

Amber: Bitch who the fuck do you think you are cause this is my party and everyone wants to be here.Right guys?

Random person:Bitch you payed us to come to your party and not ravens.

Raven:Bitch who do you think you are  calling me a bitch a bitch one more time and  I will break your leg.And I'm sure all these people here would love to take my side over yours once you tell your daddy.cause bitch I will fuck you up.

Amber:I want to see you try

Raven:let's go

Dominic:Raven calm the fuck down and get you ass in the car we got a party to get to.

Raven:your lucky its my birthday and I love my brother cause if it was not for him you'd be on the ground getting your as beat.

Jess and Briana:PERIOD!!!!

I got in the car and we drove off and we went to the party.when we got there Kane,Alex,and Derrick are standing there waiting by the door.

Kane:well who is late to there own party?

I don't say anything I just walk past him and go in the house and get some beer and chug it and then someone pulls me into a closet.


Kane:what's your problem?

Raven:you are my problem now let me go before I drop kick you.

Kane:why are you mad at me?I did nothing wrong

Raven:you obviously don't know me cause if you did you would know that am not a good person and I am not able to feel saying you want be me triggered something deep inside of me and now you are a person that I do not want to be around.

Kane:you are amazing person and you do not get to talk about yourself like that cause if you did I would have to something I do not think is a good idea.

Raven:I just did.what are you gonna do about it.

Kane grabbed my arm and pulled me out into the crowd of people and left me standing there all alone.Then what I saw shocked was Kane on a table about to say something.


Everyone stops what you are doing and stares at him.

Kane:How many people think that Raven Tate is a bad person.

No one puts there hand up or does anything that indicates that they agree.

Kane:So there's your answer Raven....You all can go back to whatever you where doing.

He gets off the table and starts to walk out the door but I run up to him and grad his wrist.

Raven:why the fuck did you do that?

Kane:cause you asked me what I was gonna do about it so I showed you.

Raven:But why do you care how I picture myself?

Kane:Cause if I'm gonna be a friend of your s then you need to be a positive person.

Raven:But your natural a positive person and who said we are friends?

Kane:I did got a problem with that?

Raven:yeah I do!You know what it is?

Kane:No but I'm guessing you will tell me.

Raven:you as my friend is not enjoying the party.BITCH ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!!

Kane chuckled and said

Kane:Do you wanna dance "Friend"


We go to the dance floor and we dance and I look to the side of me and see Briana dancing with Derrick and Jess dancing with Alex.The night ended and we all were a bit tipsy so we decided to clean in the morning.

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