Chapter 20

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I am sitting outside with everyone ready to knock o the door to my parents house when I turn around to walk away but I'm faced with all my siblings shaking there head no and pushing me to the door. I walk up to the door and I hesitate but I do knock on the door. There is no answer for a while there so I turn around and start to walk off but when I hear the door swing open and a loud gasp I knew that my mother was at the door. I turn around and smile at her.

Raven: hello mom.

Elizabeth(AKA MOM): OH MY GOD.

She runs up to me and hugs me.

Elizabeth: Is it really you.

Raven: Yeah Its me mom, but I'm not the only one here, the whole family's back together.

I see my mom look around and when she see Jess and Briana she runs up to them and hugs them. At first they where surprised but they got over it.

Raven:to cut your little reunion short but where's Rachel and dad?

Elizabeth: Rachel is at her friends house but she will be back later tonight and your father is in his room sleeping.

Raven: is it ok if we go and see him or do you think that we should wait until he wakes up?

Elizabeth: Lets wait until he wakes up, and I will hide you guys and when he comes downstairs I will ask what he wants to eat since he has not eaten anything, and I'm gonna start cooking then you guys will come in and ask if I need any help.

Raven: Damn mom you planed the whole thing out.

She slaps me on the back of the head and warns me.

Elizabeth: Language young lady.

Raven: Mom I'm 23 years old.

Elizabeth: you are I didn't relies, oh and I also don't care.

I look at Dominic and say

Raven: Why the Fuc Fudge didn't you tell me mom got more strict.

Dominic: Because I wanted to see her slap you in the back of the head.

Raven: Is that so.

Dominic: Yeah that's so.

Raven: Lets put it this way, I'm gonna give you a five second head start.

Dominic: for what?

Raven: To run for your life.

Dominic: Your kiddi.

Raven: FIVE, FOUR,

Dominic takes off down the street and I just smile.

Cole: Your not gonna go after him?

Raven: Nope, when he comes back I will just crack a egg on his head or something, I don't feel like running right now. Hey mom, if you don't mind I'm gonna go take a shower.

Elizabeth: oh yeah sure, everyone's rooms are the same and our guests can stay in the guest rooms but we only have two.

I look at the girls and see there pleading eyes for me to not let them share a room.

Raven: OK well Kane can come in my room if they don't want to share with each other.

Mom looks at me with a little bit of confusion. I just shake my head telling her not to ask questions. I go upstairs by myself and got to my room, i unpack the little bit of stuff that i brung with us. I hear my mom call me and tell me that she needs me to come back downstairs so thats what i do.

Elizebeth: Im about to wake him up go out back.

Raven: ok

I go out back and see everyone is there.

Raven: i don't know if this is a good idea i mean didnt he have a heart attack?

Dominic: Yeah, but i think he will be fine.

I had an idea of what i was going to do to him. Im going to pour ice cold water on him first thing in the morning. I look in the kitchen window to see my mom macking breakfast wgile my dads sitting there on his phone.

Raven: Lets go

We walk in the house.

Jess:Hey mom you need help.

Bri: Yeah you got a lot of food to make.

I see my dad stifin and sience his back is to us i can't see his facial expression.

Raven: So what you macking anyway.

At the sound of my voice he turns around. I think he thought that he was hearing things at first. He runs to the three of us and hugs us tight. This is what im looking forward to me, my family, and friends all together and happy

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