Chapter 19

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Jess POV

I went upstairs and read the note and it said to tell everyone ( Kane, jess, and bri)  to jump in when he's not looking. Yeah I don't like that jumping shit but I'm not willing to risk my family's life, and plus she said no rules so that means that its being totally fair. Its now time to fight and I told everyone who was supposed to fight to get ready. when I see that Raven Is winning the fight with out us I decided to wait until I see that she is struggling. Leo looks like he is about to go down so I run up there and catch his head before it hits the ground. He may not be the best person but he is the only blood me and Bri have left. I see that Raven has a gun in her hand about to shoot him when I stand in front of him and yell stop.


Raven: Its a death fight Jess I have to kill him.

Jess: Raven he is the only blood that me and Bri have left.

Raven gets down to his ear and whispers

Raven: You are so fucking lucky that my sisters don't want your ass dead, cause if I had it my way you would have a bullet in between your eyes.

Raven walks away and I just stair at my cousin and he moths thank you, I nod my head letting him know that I saw him. I walk away looking for Raven.

Raven Pov:

I walk away and I go outside. I cant believe they did that they know how I am and they still decide to do that. If they want to protect then they can stay here. I spent all this time looking for them and they don't even think about what he did to them. I feel someone's hands on my waist and I turn around to see Kane.

Raven: I'm not in the mood please leave me alone.

I try to break away from him but he doesn't loosen his grip.

Kane: No, tell me what's wrong.

Raven: Nothing, I'm just stressed.

Kane: How long have I known you Raven?

Raven: A long time.

Kane: You think I don't know when you lying. Just tell me what's wrong

Raven: Why would she do that?

Kane: Who Jess?

Raven: Yeah she just interrupted me, she made me look weak, in front of one of my rival gangs. That makes me think that she don't want to leave and all the things he did to them, and they don't even see it.

Kane: look at it in her way, she didn't know where you were, she didn't know if you were dead or alive, and she didn't want to intrude on your family because she got there with you and with you not there it didn't feel right. she loves you, but she loves him just as much. yeah he did some messed up shit but that's her family, her blood. Think back to when you reconnected with your family, how you felt, that's how the jess and bri are felling right now.

Raven: I didn't think of it that way.

Kane: Well duhh, now go talk to them.

Raven: Thanks kane.

Kane: For what?

Raven: Being there for me.

Kane: Anytime.

I turn around and there in front of me is all of my siblings. Jess and Bri step forward and they embrace me in a hug.

Jess: We know what he's done to us Raven we cant let him go, like Kane said he is all that is left of my family, the only thing that I have of my parents, and we will always choice you.

Bri: Yeah you should know by now that we love you, you are our sister, weather it be blood or not your stuck with us.

Jess: and I swear to god if you ever fucking leave like you did, I will fucking shot you.

Everyone chuckles at that statement.

Raven: I have your word on that?

Jess: Damn right you do.

Raven: There's only one more thing left to do.

Bri: And what is that?

Raven: Lets go home, I'm tired.

Jess: Were is that cause last time I checked me and Bri live here?

Raven: No I mean all of us lets go home, let's go see mom, dad, and Rachel.

and with that we got all of our gangs together, me and Leo are officially allies and the twins can come see him whenever they want to. We are on our way home ready to see my parents and little sister for the first time in 6 years.

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