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Kane: what do you mean war?

Raven: He wont give them to me so I threatened him with the gangs that I could think of, but he did not believe me. I told him that he is going to get war and to be prepared cause there is no way he will win.

Kane: so what do you need?

Raven: I need all the help we can get, all of our gangs and I can get Christopher Garcia to help me.

Kane: Ok well lets get to work.

We start to get to work.(Time skip)

Its been 1 week and we now have everyone here and they all know the plan. we are on our way to Leo gang area. Me and Kane are in the car by our selves.

Raven: I know that this is a odd time to say this but, I really don't know what is going to happ..

Kane: don't even say th...

Raven: Just let me finish, I was going to say that whatever happens know that I love you, and like I said its a odd time to say this but I just wan...

Kane: RAVEN.

Raven: Yes?

Kane: I love you to.

I don't say anything I just sit there.

Kane: Your not gonna say anything?

Raven: Pull over.

Kane: Why??

Raven: Just do it.

Kane pulls over and I take my seat belt off and face him.

Raven: Kane you are my bestfriend and I love you for being there for me, but I thi...

Kane: Are you really friend zoning me right now?

Raven: No I am not, and if you would have let me finish then you would know what I was going to say.

Kane: Then Continue.

Raven: I think that we cant be friends anymore.

Kane: Why, you always do this to me I tell you I love you and you don't want anything to do with me. Omg Raven you have to talk to me I cant live without you.

I just sit there and smile at his little outburst.

Kane: Why are you smiling, this is not funny.

Raven: Because you didn't let me finish again. I was going to say because I want to be more then friends.

Kane: Omg there should be no reason to not talk to me..... wait what.

Raven: We cant be friends because I want to be more then friends.

The next thing I know is that I'm on Kane's side of the car and we are kissing.

Kane: You have no idea how long I have been waiting for this.

Raven: yeah me to but right now I think we need to catch up with the others.

He starts to drive again and when we get about three blocks away from the house we see everyone there.I decided to make a quick speech.

Raven: I don't know what's gonna happen in there, but whatever does I will be forever grateful for your help. I want to thank each and everyone of you for coming today and risking your lives to save my family. I know that I've done some things that hurt some of you and I apologize and am so sorry for that. To my family and friends who have been there for me since the beginning I love all of you, but this is not the end of my story I will fight and get through it and I cant promise you tomorrow but I can promise that each and everyone of you will be honored no matter what gang you are from.We are all family now. so lets go get my sisters.

They all nod there head and I take my group to the south border and wait for the signal( the signal is gunfire) I hear one shot and I jump the gate and I run up to the house. I see everyone is fighting and I don't see Leo and the girls, I knew where they were so I ran into the house and went to the basement. When I get there I see Leo with my sisters tied to chairs.

Leo: So nice of you to join us Raven

Raven: Yeah I cant say the same to you, why are they tied to a chair.

Leo: well they tried to go after you so they could go back but I didn't want them to leave me.

Raven: Why do you want them so bad anyway.

Leo: Two reasons, one they are the best fighters I have and two they are family.

Raven: What do you mean they are family?

Leo: They came to me to find some info about there real family, and turns out they are my cousins.

Raven: They don't look like your cousins.

Leo: and why is that.

Raven: Idk last time I checked you don't tie family to a chair.

Leo: Yeah well you got to do what you got to do.

Raven: You know something Leo, your right.

Leo: about what?

Raven: You do have to do what you got to do. I'm going to make a deal with you, whoever wins a death match in the rings gets to keep the twins ok.

Leo: what are the rules?

Raven: There are no rules.

Leo: why do you think your going to win.

Raven: I have my reasons.

Leo: Whatever you have a deal, but I'm only doing this because I get your gang when you lose.

Raven: you mean IF I lose.

Leo: Yeah whatever.

Raven: you have to wake them up and let them go.

Leo: Why would I do that.

Raven: Because once I tell them the deal then they will back off.

Leo: Ok

Leo wakes them up and they see me and I ran up to them and hug them. I tell them everything and they agree. I slip a peace of paper in jesses pocket when Leo was not looking and tell her to go shower.

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