Chapter 17

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Its been a month and me and Kane are like bestfriends we both agreed that it would be best until we get everything back to normal. I have been to almost all the places that they like. I don't know what to do, I'm starting to give up ho....

Kane: We found them!!!!!

Raven: Where are they.

Kane: they are in Iceland.

Raven: But they hate Iceland, why would they go there.

Kane: I guess great minds think a like.

I guess he is right because I did the exact same thing to all of them.

Raven: well then what are we waiting for?

Kane: There not alone.

Raven: who are they with?

Kane: your not gonna like this, there with the reapers.

Raven: You do realize that they are my enemies and not only that but they are the biggest gangs in Iceland.

Kane: If we want them back we are gonna need to bring all three gangs together to do this.

Raven: I don't think that my brothers are gonna like this.

Kane: No one is gonna like this.

Raven: what the fuck are we gonna do.

Kane: A friendly visit first because they don't know about you being the leader of your gang they probably think its someone else.

Raven: We still need to tell the others that we fond them, but no matter what they can not go with me, I go alone or we don't go at all, I'm not even telling them where they are.

Kane: I am not letting you go by yourself, you go with me or you don't go either.

Raven: I know how to take care of myself Kane.

Kane: I know that I just don't want anything happening to you.

Raven: I have three trackers in my body and I will make sure to give you the passwords to all them, you know just in case I get kidnapped.

Kane: that's not funny.

Raven: You know I can handle myself just set the meeting up so I can get my sisters back.

I walk out of the room a little frustrated that he thinks that I cant handle myself, I mean I beat him in a fucking street race how does he think I can not handle myself. (Time skip) I am waiting for the reapers gang leader but they seem to be taking there time. I finally see someone come out of the house.

Raven: Hello my name is Raven Tate, the gang leader of the serpents.

??: Hello my name is Leo miller, and if you don't mind me asking but why are you here??

Raven: Well Leo some people who are really close to me are here and I don't think they know I'm alive so if you do not mind can I see them.

Leo: Who are these people.

Raven: Jessica and Briana Tate.

Leo: Oh I am afraid that you may not have them back but you may see them.

Raven: We will see what they want when they come out.

He walks away and 15 min later I hear the sound of people running and then I see them.

Raven: Long time no see, did you miss me.

Jess: What the fuck were you thinking leaving like that.

As she said that they came up to me and hugged me.

Raven: I know but if it makes you feel better we all have been looking for you for some time now.

Bri: What do you mean we all were looking for you.

Raven: I mean everyone but mom, dad, and Rachel. Kane, Alex, Derrick, Dominic, Dylan, And Cole who by the way is in the gang now. Dad has been sick and mom and Rachel don't want to do anything anymore.

Jess: What happened to dad?

Raven: He had a heart attack.

Jess: But why?

Raven: He lost three of his daughters all at once and they still don't know that our brothers have found us. You have to come home, that's what I am doing, I think you should to, oh and by the way the story that Kane, Alex, and Derrick told was true I went to see Ashlyn.

Leo: Like I said earlier they wont be going anywhere,

Raven: Unless you want four gangs as your enemies I would suggest you let my sisters come with me.

Leo: I'm so scared, we are the biggest gang in Iceland your gang cant compete with ours.

Raven: But I don't stand alone, I have the most powerful gang, the largest gang, the most badass, and the strongest gang in America that will be coming to Iceland and then we have four gangs against one and there is no chance that you will win.

Leo: And how do you have all these gangs coming here?

Raven: One is my gang, Another is my families gang, A alliance, And my soon to be Boyfriends gang. I think you have heard the names before Kane Knight, Dylan Tate, Christopher Garcia, and them me.

Leo: Well I guess you just declared war.

Raven: yes I did, I will see you very soon Leo, oh and make sure you are prepared cause I was not kidding.

I get in my car and leave. when I get to the hotel I slam the door open and all eyes are on me. the only word that comes out of my mouth is

Raven: War

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