Chapter 2

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Derek's POV

I slip on my converse and grab the keys to my car. Today is our first dance rehearsal of the week. I love rehearsing with Bethany, she's such a fun person.

I drive to the studio and wait for her, she comes in two minutes later. "Hey Beth," I say. "Sup," she returns. We work on the dance for a couple of hours until I hear my phone ring. I pick it up and see my sister Hannah calling. (a/n: Derek's real sister is Julianne, who is a judge. I made Hannah up)

"Hi Hannah," I say. "Hey Derek," she answers. She's eleven and sometimes forgets that I'm busy with Bethany, but there's nothing I love more than her.

"I miss you," she says."I miss you more," I say. "I said it first though," she laughs, "Okay, you win," I say. Bethany comes over to me, "Hannah, you wanna say hi to Bethany?" I ask.

"YES!" She squeals, "Hi Hannah," Beth says. "Hi Bethany!" She yells, "Listen Hannah, we gotta go, see you at home," I say. She says "Bye," then hangs up.

We finish rehearsal then leave. I open the door to find my parents on the floor next to Hannah, I run to their side. "SHE FAINTED!" My mom screams, and with that I pick Hannah up and rush her to the ER.

"She's fine, just unconscious," says the doctor. I sigh of relief. Bethany enters the room. "Thank goodness you're here Beth," I say. "Is she okay?!" Bethany asks, I can tell she's scared.

"She's good" I tell her. "Actually..." says the doctor, "we found a piece of broken glass in a nerve near her ankle. I'm sorry to say this, but we're going to have to amputate her foot."

I bury my face in my palms, Bethany gives me a quick reassuring hug. "Why her? Why sweet innocent Hannah?!" I yell, Hannah is my little sister, I'm not supposed to let anything bad happen to her.

"Damn it," I mumble. It kills me to know my little sister has to lose her feet. My dance partner from last season lost her feet, so I'm familiar with the struggle.

I stroke Hannah's honey blonde hair. "Derek's here," I sing. Even though she's eleven, it's nice to talk to her like she's five.

"I'm gonna have to ask you to leave," says the doctor. "No," I snap, "you're not making me leave my baby sister by herself!" Bethany rubs my back, "Derek, let them do what they have to do," she says. "Fine," I groan, I tickle Hannah's feet and leave.

I go on twitter, I post a message that reads:

My little sister Hannah is getting her feet amputated, please pray for her.

Two thousand likes, one thousand retweets. "Our fans care," Beth says, I nod. One post catches my eye. It says:

Please pray for Hannah Hough. She is going to get her feet amputated, and that's not fun. I met her once, and she was full of energy and joy. I will never forget that beautiful smile. I send prayers to her and her family, (especially her brother who is very fond of her.) hopefully she recovers well.

That was tweeted by my dance partner from last season, Amy. She has no feet either. What a thoughtful soul she is. I sit on the soft hospital chair and watch some of Bethany's videos.

I wake up at nine thirty, a blanket on my lap. I fell asleep on the hospital chair, my earbuds still in place. Hannah walks out with prosthetics, a bored look on her face. I open up my arms, she tries to run into them, but the nurse stops her.

"Careful honey," says the nurse. "Thanks," I say, and sit Hannah on my lap. "Hey there, you" I say, she just sits there. I look up at the nurse, "she isn't doing to well" the nurse tells me.

I nod. I hug my footless sister, stroking past her unbrushed hair. I text Bethany that Hannah is good and healthy. Then something comes to my attention.

Actually.... Someone. A familiar face enters the room. A very pleasant face, of someone very dear to me.


Hope you liked chapter 2! Next one will be posted Saturday! Hope your enjoying the story so far.

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