Chapter 3

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Bethany's POV

I went over to the hospital to check on Hannah and saw someone I've never seen before with Derek. "Bethany, I want you to meet my old dance partner Amy," he says. I wave, then I look down. I notice she doesn't have feet.

She waves back at me, "I love your videos," she says. I see Hannah sleeping on Derek's lap,"How's she doing?" I ask. "Better," he says.

She pokes her head up, "Hi Beth," she says, a tired look on her face. "How are you feeling?" I ask her. "Footless," she says as she stands up, "It could be worse though."

Derek and I rehearse our dance for about five hours, then resort to eating ice cream. "You know what we should do?" I say. "What?" He asks. "Let's dedicate our dance to your sister," I suggest. "Sure, yeah," he says. We make a funny video for Instagram and leave.

I decide to do Facetime with my fans. I look at my comments and read one boy's comment:

Bethany you inspire me so much. At school, everyone makes fun of me because my sexual orientation is different. But you make me feel like I can stand up to those people. You make me feel important. You're so fun and full of energy. If you do decide to read this comment please call me via Facetime

(A/n: this never happened. There is no actual Eddie Frinkle.) I decide to Facetime this boy. He answers, when he sees it's me he screams. "Hi Eddie, it's Bethany Mota!" I say, "Hi Bethany!" He screams, "Mom! Bethany Mota is face timing me!" I smile. I love when I inspire people.

It makes me feel so good that people look up to me. "How's everything, Eddie?" I ask, "I'm fine, although my boyfriend broke up with me yesterday." He says, "Well that's okay, you'll meet more people." I tell him.

"Thanks," he says.

After a lengthy conversation I decide to take a bath. It's six o'clock in the afternoon, usually the time when I just chill or do a DIY project for my room or something.

I wrap myself in my soft towel and call Derek to see if he wants to go to dinner. "Okay," he says into the phone. I put on a denim dress from Urban Outfitters and go to his house.

"So where do you wanna go?" I ask, "There's this new place called Brionoes, it's all American food," he suggests. "Sure," I say. We walk to his car.

"Why did Hannah have to get her feet amputated?" I ask, "They found a piece of broken glass near her nerves" he answers.

"How did it get there?"

"I actually don't know."

"You never stopped to think about it?"

"No," he says "I wonder..... I'll just ask my parents if they know." We play our favorite songs on the radio. Lip synching to each of them.

We like to have fun like that.


Sorry for the short chapter, next one will be posted on Monday or maybe even tomorrow!

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