Chapter 8

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This is the last chapter!! If you read to the end you won't be to mad because I will be posting something very special but to know what it is you'll have to read to the end!! Well....... Enjoy!
Bethany's POV
I wake up to a text message sent by Derek: 'Is my favorite Bethany ready to rock 'n roll tonight?' It reads. 'Yeah I am!' I respond, And do my morning routine. Derek, Hannah, My sister, and I go out for breakfast.

We take pre dance selfies and post them on twitter. We talk and laugh, which leads me to believe things are normal with Derek and I. Brittany, my sister, shows us pictures of her adorable baby.

Hannah tells us about her getting straight A's, and I can't help but smile. Amy texts Derek that she's coming which gets me excited. We wrap up breakfast and go our separate ways.

Our sisters get ready to see us and we get ready to perform. We meet up with the cast, who gives us a big hug. Each couple gets an hour of practice then we get ready to do the real thing.

Derek pulls me back into our dressing room, "In the last week so much has happened. No matter what happens we will always stay in each other's lives," He says.

"We will never lose each other, even if we get eliminated tonight," I say, "tonight will not ruin our tomorrow." We hug for what seems like forever. "I love you Bethany," he whispers. "I love you too," I say.

He looks at the clock, "Eight minutes until show time," he tells me. I press my index finger to my lips, then hug him. Mark walks in with his partner Sadie, "You guys ready?" He asks. "HELL YEAH!" We scream, and we all hug.

"Good luck," Sadie whispers to me, "same to you," I whisper back. They leave Derek and I alone again. "Shall we?" Derek asks, "We shall," I say. We go to the dance floor, the only thing I hear is the roar of screaming fans.

We get introduced, And wait for our turn to dance. I listen to the judges feedback, taking it all in. Derek holds my hand, and I tightly squeeze his. After clapping for all our friends we get ready to dance.

"You ready, Beth?" He asks, "Yeah," I say. He looks at me for a long time, like he did that day at the park. I think I'm ready, and can accept that we'll have to wait. Derek and I lean in towards each other, and kiss.

They play our video, and then I get lost in steps lead by my wonderful Derek, who I know believes in me. I know he will never lose me, and I will never lose him.
Thank you all so much for reading my story and sadly this is the end but I will post an additional chapter called 'A Future For Motough.'

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