Chapter 6

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And now............... A POV from............... The one and only............ HANNAH HOUGH!! Enjoy.
Hannah's POV
I greet Beth as Derek and I enter the studio. Derek said he'll let me help them pick out costumes.

The stylists show Beth and Derek a few costumes that I think are a bit lame. One dress that catches my eye is an elegant mirror dress that I think would look great on Beth.

I point it out to her and she agrees. We ask Derek and he likes it too. I notice Bethany and Derek acting weird towards each other. I try not to ask cause it's probably all in my head.

It makes me feel awkward being in the middle of their strangeness. Bethany's voice trembles every time Derek says something to her and Derek rethinks almost everything he is about to say.

I feel like yelling "DONT BE IDIOTS YOU KNOW YOU WANNA TALK ABOUT SOMETHING!" But I don't. I just don't understand what the hell they're hiding. Derek holds my hand, we both do that when we're nervous.

"How about this outfit?" Beth says, they start looking for something that Derek can wear. "Um.... Nah," Derek stutters. It's driving me insane! What if something interesting is happening?!

My brother's personal business is very interesting to me. Because he is very famous a lot of drama happens in his life. I feel that it is very entertaining to know about what goes on.

They finally decide on something for Derek after like, forever. Bethany seems to be a little more relaxed but still tense. Obviously something is happening between them, I just don't know what. I do know that I will find out what it is.

Bethany and Derek try the costumes on and agree on those. (a/n I'm not sure that's how they do it but that's how I imagine it) Derek offers to take us to the mall to see some fans and we agree.

I have a fan base but a very small one. Half because of Derek and half because of the situation with my feet. I swore on my life I'd never tell how it happened. I think I should tell because after all, it did cost me my feet.

(Please comment if you want more on that^^) When we enter a whole mob of screaming teenage girls surround us begging for a selfie or an autograph. I smile for about thirty eight selfies and sign sixty four autographs.

I've always liked having fans. I feel like they are my people. It's sounds kind of weird and nerdy but it's true. I don't mean this in a selfish way but I like people looking up to me.

We leave the mall, and I, for some random reason, decide to tell them how I REALLY became footless.
Hope your enjoying the story and I'm so grateful for 700 views!

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