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Okay, so I went for option D.

Yeah, that wasn't one I said, but my friend Beifong (the one who's got books I can't shut up about) gave me another choice: Stop, and then, if I feel like adding to it later than I will.

I'm sorry, but this story just isn't what I wanted it to be. The idea is cool, and I liked writing it, it just seemed.. Useless. I'm going to end it now, maybe I'll come back and do more at another point, maybe not.

So, Toph's unresolved issues may (?) come up in my Avatar Oneshot book, maybe. Idk if I have the will to even finish that.

{Chill out, Dora. I'll probably end up sending something to you so you don't murder me.}

If you enjoy my writing, please go on to my account. My friend writes some stuff on here and they're pretty good, but if you want AtLA or LoK go to my oneshot book, and I have a fic called My Missing Mom about a Korrasami kid. I have the ending for that one planned out, so I promise I won't stop it.

Or else a certain Croatian may kill me.

So, yeah. Sorry I had to end it so soon, it just wasn't going where I wanted it to.



Sokka and Zuko stumbled through the front door, trying to hold one another up. Each was bruised and bleeding, Sokka's left arm had a long cut from his wrist to his elbow that would probably need stitches. "Help," he said to the others, who were watching a movie.

Kya, Korra, and Katara ran to the window. Each of them bent a few gallons of water from the nearby well as Lin and Su laid them down on the floor. Mai was examining Zuko, nearly in tears. Suki had run upstairs with Ikki and the twins. Jinora and Kai ran to get the medical kits as Bumi and Iroh started to take the boy's shirts off so the girls could heal them properly. Toph kneeled next to Sokka, her palms on the ground, nearly hyperventilating.

"How?" Katara asked after healing Zuko's torn-open lip.

"We were jumped. We didn't even make it to the store," he replied.

"Did you know them?" Kya asked.

"No," Zuko said. But Sokka made an odd noise as he tried to speak, coughing up blood.

Katara and Korra switched, letting the more skilled healer take care of the internal injuries that Korra was still afraid to. 

"He tried to steal the money.." Sokka coughed again. "A month ago. Remember?"

Korra's eyes flashed. "Where?" she demanded.

"By the Kyoshi statue," Zuko replied when he saw Sokka couldn't.

As soon as the guys were stable, Korra stood and walked out the door wordlessly.


A few hours later, Korra walked in. She had a few bruises on her arms and a small cut on her upper lip. She also had a huge grin.

"You won't see them ever again," she told Sokka.

"Oh, baby," Asami said, grabbing Korra's arm, "You didn't - ?"

"What? No, Asami, I'm not a murderer," Korra stated. "I'm a teacher. And I gave those three one hell of a lesson."

"There weren't three," Zuko said.

"What?" Korra asked.

Sokka held up four fingers. Just then, a knock came from the door. "POLICE! OPEN UP!" A man screamed.

Katara and Kya looked at one another, wide-eyed, and opened the door. Two dozen policemen ran in, one grabbed Korra. Asami screamed at them to stop, asking what in hell they were doing, and another grabbed her. "Sweep the place," a girl told them.

Ten or so officers nodded and ran up the stairs. From the living room, they could hear doors being kicked down and the screams of her surprised friends.

Soon enough, all of the teens were walking down the stairs single file with their hands up and guns pointed at them. "What are you going to do?" Su asked.

"We have to arrest you," An officer replied. "Trespassing on city land.

"We - we had nowhere else to go," Kya whimpered.

"Orphanage," another said simply.

"We don't need parents, we care for ourselves," Lin growled.

"This one's aggressive. Keep her up front," the female officer, who seemed to be in charge, said.

"No! Let go of my sister!" Su screamed as Lin was pulled away.

A male officer chuckled. "Get used to life without her, doubt you'll see her for two years at least.

Lin's eyes went wide. Maybe she acted like she didn't care, but she did. Oh, she definitely did. "Let me say goodbye!" She screamed.

The male officer just laughed and shoved her into a small compartment of a van, cuffing her before he did so.

Opal, Ikki, and Su were hugging and crying. Asami and Korra shared one last stolen kiss before someone pulled Korra in to a separate compartment in a van by her hair. Bumi, Iroh, Zuko, and Sokka were pulled away and thrown into one.

The first van sped away, replaced by a second. Mai, Katara, Korra, Asami, Azula, and Ty Lee another; Toph, Lin, Su, Jinora, Ikki, and Opal in another section. Bolin, Aang, Tenzin, Wen, Zari, and Kai shared a space, and the others were thrown in to the last.

And from there on out, the Kids In The Old Mansion were gone. An unfinished movie was still in the CD player. A game of Pai Shao was set up in a bedroom. A stuffed badgermole lay forgotten on the floor of another. The house was cold and empty, echoes of laughter and tears bouncing off the walls, never to see the kids again.

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