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- chapter twelve -
the case of don't's,
a kitten and memory lane.

so, rule number one, don't beat steve's ass senselessly because you will get locked in your bedroom like a prisoner. selene thought it was for the best that I didn't come out until I actually reflected on my life.

she said that, "you spent the last six, technically fourteen years just living life and you just expect yourself to heal without reflection."

maybe she was right but I never want nor wanted to ever revisit the point in my where my parents died. reflecting would be no easy task and it'd require alot of things. for one, I needed my boxes from the place.

so I waited until night had risen and the only thing going on in the compound were the meetings about the stones.

I snuck out of my room, leaving the compound noticing steve's motorcycle making my lips curl up into a smile. sure, I beat his ass and insulted his entire character and personality but his motorcycle would be used for the greater good.

thankfully, the keys were still in and I happily jumped on, starting it, pulling off loudly starting to speed down the dead roads of upstate new york. I turned down a dirt road feeling nostalgia hit me as I looked around observing all the mature trees that made the gigantic home look dark and kinda haunted.

in a way it was.

I turned the motorcycle off, the loud noise now allowing all the sounds of nature to surround me. the sounds of bugs buzzed in my ears lightly as I kicked out the stand of the motorcycle, getting off the seat. I walked up the barely visible path, stepping up on the worn porch stairs.

they creaked under my weight as if they were judging me based on how long it had been since I had even stepped foot in this house.

my fingers wrapped around the rusty door knob taking a breath before pushing on the door walking in. the house was quiet and still. "Friday, turn on a flashlight," a bright light emitted from my watch and I smiled seeing my surroundings. everything was the same, sitting in the same spot as my mom had left it.

the house even still smelled like her and my dad, their scents marrying well together. I could still hear both their caring voices telling me that they were moving from the city to here. I remember I was sitting in my dingy apartment, my face frowned hearing my mom explain they were moving away from me.

"it'll be okay, you're in school and we're about to get shipped off again soon anyways." her voice was calm and soft as usual.

"what?" my face contorted to one of disappointment and confusion. "they want your dad and I to do one last mission baby," she explained and I felt like I wanted to sob.

I was coming home soon too.

"can I visit tomorrow?" I ask in a small voice. she sighed before I heard my dad's voice in the back. "come tonight before we leave for two in the morning," she quietly uttered. her voice got louder when she went to ask her next question which made me realize dad wasn't aware of what she just told me.

"is fury keeping a eye on you?" she asked and I involuntarily laughed. "well, he can only keep one on me anyways so I'd say he's doing a damn good job," my mom laughed and I could practically physically see her girly grin that would be plastered on her face.

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