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Amber's POV

I woke up and I saw that I was in a cell, and it wasn't the Protectors jail, it was different. I looked around and saw the same crystal that hurt me from the mission, and it's in the middle of the fricking cell I was in, so I felt a sharp pain as soon as I saw it. And then, I saw Grandmaster Johnathan walked to me. "What the hell is going on?" I asked. He said "You'll understand soon, but for now I have to make sure that you're ready for it." " Why are you doing this to me?" I asked. "It's because you're special and this is revenge for what your parents did to me and my family. Your parents killed my family, after giving YOU the Rainbow Dragon Slayer magic. For years, I wanted to have revenge and now I can have it. Once you understand, I'll be able to rule over Atlanti, with you by my side." He said. "You'll never have me on your side. No one would have wanted you to do this. What do you think Reaper will think if you do this?" I said. "He never understood what I wanted, and he never did. Because I made sure that I ended his life before he could surpass me. And I WILL surpass Reaper like no one else did. And those attacks you mentioned, I ordered those attacks on you, because I need you for my plan." He said. "If any of the guild members found out about this, or any of the guild leaders, they'll stop your plan." I said, angrily. "Not if you're under my control, when you are, you will do as I say." He said and then walked away. I said to myself "Dang it, how did I not know he would do this? The crystal really hurts, and I bet it drains my magic too so that when I'm weak enough, he'll control me." Then I heard someone say "Psst." I looked around and saw Pat hiding in the shadow. He saw me, getting hurt by the crystal. He said to me quietly "I'm going to get Michael and Silver. Stay strong." I nodded and then he left, and I hoped that he would get back as soon as he can. 

Patrick's POV

After telling Amber that I was going to get Michael and Silver, I quickly got back to Grimshade. I was out of breath, when I got back to Grimshade, I ran to Michael's office and saw him there. He said "Patrick, what's wrong and where's Amber?" "There's no time to explain, Amber's in trouble. And I want Silver to come too, please she's in danger." I said. We went to find Silver in the Wandering Coins guild hall. After, we went to the where the Atlanti's city hall was. I explained how Amber was just talking to Grandmaster Johnathan when Amber fainted out of nowhere. Then I saw Grandmaster Johnathan carrying Amber to a jail cell in his hidden base. And I kept explaining how Amber is going to be used against us, when he finally takes over Atlanti. Silver told us that he knew that something suspicious about Grandmaster Johnathan, and then Michael said he had some suspicions but never mentioned them to anyone. Michael told us that it has to be a secret amongst us, Amber and the guild leaders. So we sneaked into the base unnoticed. I showed them where Amber was, and they told me to get Amber and teleport back to Grimshade, as Michael and Silver will watch and make sure that Grandmaster Johnathan isn't there. I went back to where Amber is. I used my requip gun and shot the crystal, it shattered. And then I jumped down and then shot another bullet towards Amber which will heal her. "Thanks." She said. Then I opened her cell and then I told Amber to teleport us back to Grimshade. She did and we were safe, I watched over her and I explained to her what I did, and she said "I"m scared, Pat. What if he gets me?" "He won't lay one finger on you, I promise. I don't want to lose you, I may be a highly trained assassin to not really be kind, but you're family to me and I care about you, I'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe." He said. She smiled as I stayed with her when Michael and Silver came back, both of them were a bit roughed up, but they were fine. They made sure she was okay, and then we discussed on how they will hide Amber, before the GMG, since he wouldn't be able to get her during the games. Michael made me, Amber's personal bodyguard and I would guard her, until we find a better solution. Michael told me that he'll assemble the guild leaders in secret and bring Amber and I there. We nodded and from that day, I had to protect Amber from Grandmaster Johnathan. 

A couple days later...

Amber's POV

Michael called me and Pat to go to the secret guild leader meeting. We were doing it at the dragon sanctuary. So we teleported there and the other guild leaders were all there. Ritchie said "Why did you bring Amber and Patrick?" "They're involved in why I did this meeting." Michael said. "I needed to bring all of us together because right now, Amber's in danger. Patrick, why don't you explain what you saw in Grandmaster Johnathan's room, when Amber went to talk to him?" He asked. "Well, I felt a strange magic aura that I never felt before, so I went to Grandmaster Johnathan's office, and watched from the shadows, when I saw that Amber had some sort of spell on her. I didn't know what it was, but she fainted. Then Grandmaster Johnathan carried Amber to his secret base behind his bookshelves, behind his chair. I managed to follow him and he put Amber in a cell that had a crystal in the middle. I didn't know what it was, until Michael told me that it was a crystal that produces negative energy, and can drain someone's energy, that has a crystal that is the opposite of the negative energy crystal. Amber had one, so she was in pain. I heard what Grandmaster Johnathan said to Amber, and I couldn't believe what I heard. He told Amber that his family gave Amber, the Rainbow Dragon Slayer magic, but her parents were furious and killed his family, so he wants revenge. And he said that he wanted to rule over Atlanti, but he had to take out the person that would have taken the role of Grandmaster, Reaper. He killed Reaper because everyone liked him and wanted him to be Grandmaster, so he killed him so that he would stay as Grandmaster. Now he wants Amber to help him rule over Atlanti, so he's going to drain her and then control her." I was holding Pat's hand like a little girl with her father. Pat wasn't fazed and then Ritchie said "Are you 100% sure that Grandmaster Johnathan killed Reaper?" "He did, I looked through his memories, while he was talking to me. He did it, and it was so quick." I said, and then I said "I don't know anywhere that's safe for me anymore. For the first time in a long time, I'm scared of what'll happen to me. Michael, Pat, Silver and I thought maybe I could hide somewhere while training for the GMG, and before the GMG I would get back to Grimshade. At the GMG, he can't use me while the games are on, since it'll blow his cover. So I need to stay somewhere that Grandmaster Johnathan wouldn't go looking for me at. Any ideas?"  "How about at Divinus Magia island? Brandon and I are actually expecting the Protectors to come to the island in a couple days, Lo'pho told us that his guild isn't safe anymore without Bri, so they're staying with us until they're strong enough, I'd say. Maybe, you can stay with us at Divinus Magia and train with us, it's an island so we don't get as many people, our guild is a bit bigger and strong, I mean they were trained by us and our second." I said "That sounds good, but should I go to your island now or when the Protectors are here?" "Probably go at the same time as the Protectors, you can ask them if you could tag along. Also if you want to bring one of Grimshade's new recruits to Divinus Magia, you can. If you need to tell a reason, say that you wanted to train with us and help with the other dragon slayers too." I nodded and Michael said "Amber, if you're going to use the reason of helping the other dragon slayers, you can bring Colin there, I mean, he is facing off Brandon so that matches perfectly." "Alright then it's settled that Amber is going to Divinus Magia with Colin, and train with us till the games begin." Ritchie said. Pat said to me "You'll be fine?" I nodded and Ritchie said "Is Patrick your bodyguard?" "Well currently, but I can stay at Grimshade and gather info on Grandmaster Johnathan's plan, so I can let Amber go." Pat said. Then we talked a bit more and then we went our separate ways. Divinus Magia better be safe or I won't have anywhere to run, and he'll find me. 

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