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A couple hours later...

Amber's POV

I woke up and saw that I was in a hospital bed. I saw doctors, who told me that I was unconscious for a couple days. They told me that they're going to get the guild leaders to come see me now. I nodded and said "I'll wait. Thank you." I smiled and sat upright. A couple minutes later, I heard the door open. I looked up and saw the guild leaders come in. Michael ran and hugged me, he said "I'm so glad you're alright. I was able to remove the spell circle off you." I smiled and said "Thanks, Michael. But I'm bedridden for a couple days. The doctors told me that I can go back to my guild, but I have to be in bed for a couple days and if I need to walk around, I need to have someone help me." "Well, I can get Pat or Colin to help you for the next few days, and tend to your needs, but I could also get Lily to help you." Michael said, thinking about it. Ritchie said "Well, we also need to tighten security, since Amber is still a target. So Michael, you might need to have someone watch over Amber. She can stay here, since the guild members are fond of Amber." "I mean, it's better for her to be home, since her kids have been staying with us." Michael said. Both of them were arguing and I was getting annoyed. I shouted "IF YOU BOYS CANNOT DECIDE, I'LL THROW YOU BOTH OUT THE WINDOW!" Both of them stopped and I said "I'll go back to Grimshade. I haven't seen my kids and plus, I want to go back. I appreciate your concern Ritchie, but I want to go back to my home." "I-I understand. Michael, is your ship still at the docks?" Ritchie said. "Yes, it's still there. I'll send Bren to prepare the boat, and we'll leave in a couple hours. Um, Amber do you want to see the rest of the guild?" Michael asked me. I nodded and said "I do. I mean they must be pretty worried about me." "Yeah, you made such an impact that David actually wore his shirt on his own. I'm not lying." Brandon said. I said "Actually?! Wow, I didn't think he was that worried, I'm dying to see him in his shirt. Now, help me out of bed." Silver and Bri helped me up, and then Ritchie and Brandon helped me walk to see what the guild is doing. We walked around and I saw Mario and Kit talking to each other. I said "Hey guys!" "Amber! You're alright!" Kit said. I smiled and said "Well kind of. I'm going home soon, so I just wanted to know what you guys are doing." "We're doing some construction to rebuild the guest guild hall and to fix all that water coming in. After all, Ritchie can't use his magic because it'll hurt everyone." Mario said. "Well, do you know where David is?" I asked. "I think he's in his house with a new member. He was at the wrong place at the wrong time, and now he's in our guild. You should go. We'll see you around when you're better." Mario said. He smiled back at me and then we went to David's house. Ritchie said "Brandon, hold Amber, while I get the boys out." "Oh boy. They're going to get an electrifying entrance." I said. Brandon couldn't help but laugh, he said "Were you trying to..." "Don't even start. Just pretend I didn't say anything." I said, embarrassed. Then Ritchie came back with David and another person. I recognized him, but I kept a normal expression to be nice to him. David actually had his shirt on, but since he had injuries, I could tell it was hard for him to wear a shirt in the first place. He hugged me and said "You're awake! I'm glad! How're you feeling?" "I'm still weak, but I think I'll be fine. I'm going back to Grimshade soon, so I just wanted to know what's happening before I leave." I said. He smiled and then said "Well this is Boat. Literally, his name is Boat and he's a water mage. He's one of us now." "Yeah, so I'm Boat. I'm sorry if I hurt you earlier. I didn't know what I was getting into. You must be Amber, David told me some things about you." Boat introduced himself. "Oh, so you do talk about me when I'm not around." I said to David. He blushed and said "I don't!" "You do!" I said. After, I went to the docks, where I had to go. Divinus Magia were all there to watch me go. I smiled and waved goodbye as we left the docks. 

A couple hours later...

I saw the familiar docks for Atlanti, and I said "Did you make sure that Grandmaster Johnathan didn't know that I'm here?" "I made sure he wasn't here. We're going to get home using the teleport pedestal. Come on." Michael said. He showed us the teleport pedestal, and then we teleported back to the guild. When we got back, Michael said "Patrick, Colin. I wasn't expecting both of you to be here." "Michael, you're back. I didn't think you'd return this soon." Pat said. "Well look who's back." Michael said, then moving to reveal me. I said "Hey boys. I'm still alive." "Amber! We heard something bad happened to you, and we got worried." Colin said. "I"m fine. I'll get through it, anyways, I'm staying here." I said. "Amber will need both of your help a lot, since she can't move much and needs help walking around. And also, she's supposed to be bedridden, but I know she'll be fine walking around short distances. I expect both of you to help her as much as you can." Michael said. "We will. But for now, Amber can just sit down and maybe we can catch up." Colin said. I sat down on the chair and then Patrick and Colin, both were sitting near me. We talked for a bit, when I heard Mitch's voice. Colin can tell that I was not in the mood to talk to Mitch or hear him, so he looked to see the commotion. Patrick put his hand into mine to assure me that Mitch won't hurt me. 

I slightly smiled and then I listened to Mitch. "Why didn't you tell me that Ritchie and Brandon destroyed villages?!" Mitch shouted at Michael. "Well it didn't seem important. Also, they're trying to redeem themselves." He said. "WELL, DID YOU KNOW THAT THEY DESTROYED MY VILLAGE?!??!" Mitch yelled. I remembered that day, back when I was in the dark guild. Brandon and Ritchie both were just on a mission by my father to give Mitch a lacrima. Michael said "Amber's parents did that, not them." "Then, why did I remember that Ritchie and Brandon killed my parents and gave me my lacrima?!?" Mitch said, angrily. "Well I--" Michael started. "BECAUSE RITCHIE AND BRANDON BOTH WEREN'T IN CONTROL OF THEMSELVES AT THE TIME. IT WASN'T THEM, THEIR DEMON SIDES WERE TAKING CONTROL AT THE TIME, SO THEY DID IT WITHOUT ANY CHOICE!!!" I yelled. I was breathing heavily, I looked at Mitch right in the eye. And he said "When were you here?" " Since the beginning of this conversation, and I just got back. And this is what I hear? You're glad that I'm injured right now, or else I would have taught you a lesson. But you didn't see the truth, did you? Whatever you saw was only the parts they wanted to show you. The thing is, Ritchie and Brandon actually did kill your parents and gave you the lacrima, but they weren't themselves at the time, so they did things that they regret now, that they have control over themselves. At the time they destroyed your village, I was there. Part of the dark guild at the time, I came with them. I didn't kill anyone, but when I saw that Ritchie and Brandon were going to give you the lacrima, I rushed in to help you. I tried stopping them, but they managed to give it to you regardless. I'm sorry." I said. I knew that Mitch would be more mad at me, and he said "Why do people keep secrets?! I thought I could trust all of you. Especially you Amber, but you all lost my trust." I looked down and said "I couldn't stop them since I wasn't strong enough..." Patrick was patting me and then he stood up and said "You need to calm down right now. Amber got hurt from a battle at the Divinus Magia island. And this is the welcome she gets when she gets back. Wonderful." Michael was getting agitated as well, but was keeping his composure. Then Mitch went full on Dragon Force. I said "Maybe, I shouldn't have let you learn Dragon Force. Maybe it was all a mistake, for me to think you and I could get back together..." Then Mitch came closer to me and then slapped me in the face. I had a red mark, and Pat said "WHAT THE HELL, MITCH??!?!" Then Mitch slapped Michael too, now Michael was really enraged. He yelled "GET OUT! GET OUT! GET OUT OF HERE RIGHT NOW!!! AND LEAVE!" "You know what? I quit Grimshade. This guild keeps too many secrets and I can't trust any of you. I hope that Grimshade collapses."  Mitch said and then left. I couldn't comprehend what happened. Michael was still agitated, but he calmed down. He saw that I wasn't in any mood for anything.

 I got up, and Pat helped me to my room. Pat helped me sit down on my bed, and then he said "Are you okay, after what happened?" "..." I didn't answer him, I just couldn't bear it. I said "Why does Mitch hate me this much? He told me that we shouldn't have been together. And he told me he couldn't trust me, and I'm trying to help him. But he just keeps pushing me away..." I started crying and Pat hugged me. He said "I'm sorry that you're in this mess, but please rest. You need sleep." He let go, and then waited till I was in my bed. He said "Goodnight Amber. Just call us if you need us, alright?" I nodded and said "Goodnight, Pat." Then he left the room. After he left the room, I got up and went to my desk. I opened the drawer and took out some pieces of paper, but as I was closing the drawer, I saw something fall. I put the papers on the desk, and then picked up a photo which I had. I saw it was a picture of Mitch and I, then I realized there's another picture behind that one. I saw that it was Grimshade. It showed all the members outside the guild hall. I saw that on the guild picture, Mitch was a bit teared. I sighed and started to cry again. I put the pictures in my pocket, and then grabbed the pieces of paper. I looked at them, and I remembered that when Mitch was away, he would write a love letter to me. The last one he wrote was a long time ago. I sat on my bed again, and then started crying quietly. I couldn't believe that the person I once loved hates me. I barely slept, and just cried all night alone. Since no one really knew how I felt. 

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