The Sunray

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It was a momentous occasion! The first heir was to turn one in just over a day. The little girl brought an unknown joy to the kingdom, none like ever before. One that many thought would never return after the Arkenstone. The dreary dull sense of life most had become accustomed to, changed forever. The king had not changed a bit but the rest of the royal family poned back up to the dwarves of Erebor. 

The party was to be enormous, the entire kingdom was coming along with all the dwarf lords of the four separate dwarf kingdoms.

The festivities had started two days ago. Music, dancing, eating, drinking, games and many more things were going on around the decorated halls. Emerald green, sky blue and hazel colour streamers hung from the ceilings. Those same colours were used in all the other decorations, the place settings, gift wrappings, the cake, food. Torches hugged the wall just low enough that they wouldn't catch the streamers and banners on fire. Coloured cloth draped over tables with plates sat upon them full to brim with food. Three tables stand at the front of the party piled high with beautiful handmade gifts for the one year old princess. She was yet to join her party as she was still napping. Most of the party guests were getting anxious to see the young child. Many are waiting in the halls and parents try to rein in their children so as to not wake the sleeping child.

One hour later the guests attention is pulled to the grand doors separating the Royal Suites and the rest of the kingdom, the very hall being the common ground between the royals and their subjects. Here they are considered equals. As the large stone doors engraved with the family tree start to open revealing the royal family with the newest addition laughing and clapping happily in her mother's arms, Awwwww ripples through the crowd as planned. When they stopped at the front Thror spoke. "Let us continue to celebrate the first birthday of my great-granddaughter Dia and May she have many more!" He raises the jug he held in his hand towards the crowds. To this the crowd erupts in cheers and they all begin the festivities once more. The family now mingling among them Dis takes her daughter around the hall to meet the many people who have gathered to celebrate the small child.

And have many birthdays she did, all the parties were just as grand and rambunctious as the first, and as time went on she became an even more crucial part of the kingdom's daily life. She became their even more beloved princess. 

Starting on her 15th birthday she trained as a warrior under Dwalin, much to her family's protest, but Dwalin said it would be fun to see what the little tike has in her. Well it took months but Dia finally had Dwalin down on his ass, a sword dangerously close to his throat.

This was the very moment he finally realized his love for the princess.

Only on her thirty fourth birthday, did Dia receive the greatest birthday gift she could have asked for, her little brother, her little lion, Fili.

She still recounts the day in her mind like she was reading her own palm. 

She was training new recruits with Dwalin and General Amia when her Uncle came running through the doors. She knew instantly why he was there, he would have sent someone to fetch her if it was any normal occurrence. No, her mother went into labour with her brother, or that is what she was hoping it was. She wanted a sister but her mother and the rest of the kingdom would be safer with sons to follow in her footsteps. This labour was twice as long as when she was born. And apparently much more dangerous, her mother stopped breathing for a minute. Dia thought she was going to lose her. But as they gave up hope a miracle brought her mother back to her. And the small boy chose just that moment to start crying. When Dia laid eyes on her brother she was filled with an overwhelming sense of pride that she had a younger sibling she could call her own. She would protect him with all her might and any more that come in the future.

Later that evening when King Thror went to announce the arrival of a healthy prince his small cries could be heard by the anxiously awaiting crowd.

Prince Fili Durin Chosen Protector Of The Blue Topaz Ember First Born Son Of The Lady Dis Second Born Child Sixth In Line For The Throne Of Erebor.

He was bigger than his sister was at first, only by a few pounds. A few hours after he was born Fili was in his crib sleeping when Dia snuck into the room. She kneeled down by the crib and proceeded to promise,

"Hello little brother. I will be the best big sister anyone can ask for. I will always love you no matter what. I will protect you for all eternity. Even in death I will protect you and keep you from harm. You will forever and always be my little brother no matter how big you get, even if that is bigger than me." Little did she know her mom, uncle, grandfather and great-grandfather were outside the room listening to her little speech.

Their relationship didn't start out like Thorin and Dis's did. They were very close, even though Fili had no idea what was happening around him. His sister spent every second she could with her brother as she was very protective of him. As time went on the bond between the two only grew. They did everything together; train, eat, sleep though it was in separate beds, play and hunt.

Sure Dia was a lot older than her brother but it didn't bother either of them. Everything was perfect, everything was fine. Until that one day when Dia was forty-five and Fili was eleven. Their mum was pregnant with their little sibling. They were ecstatic. Life just got so much better.


Dia and Fili couldn't wait to meet the little tike. They even came up with a group name as they couldn't use 'The Dynamic Duo' anymore they thought; 'Triple Trouble'. Fili and Dia helped their mom a lot seeing as they wanted their younger sibling to be in perfect health. When the day they had all been waiting for finally arrived Fili ran for the physician then the rest of his family.



So just to clarify Dia was 34 when Fili was born and 45 when Kili was born. And the ages they were when Smaug happened was 49(Dia), 15(Fili) and 4(Kili). All ages of original characters from The Hobbit are the adjusted to the new timeline thingy.

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