Chapter 12

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Within the Depths of Xibalba
Outside of the Ruined Chapel

Ichabod crouched at the bank of the black river and tossed a rock into the ever flowing stream.

"So..." he mused, "This is the afterlife?"

"Well, one of them," Oriko shrugged, "You've actually died a few times, why is this surprising to you?"

"When I croaked there was just...nothing..." Ichabod lowered his eyes, thinking it over.

"You've died before?" Cindy wondered, perching on his shoulder.

"Twice," he nodded, still contemplating.

"And...are we dead?"

"I..." Ichabod shook his head, "No, no we're not," standing up, he wandered over to the spot where they'd left Bram, still tied and giggling, "And we're not as bad off as you might think."

"Oh, yes you are," Bram snickered.

Grabbing the demon by his makeshift leash they had wrapped around his neck, Ichabod gave it a sharp tug, slinging him to the edge of the river.

"Where's the exit?" Ichabod demanded.

"What makes you think..."

"Why do I have to keep reminding everyone that I'm not an idiot," he rolled his eyes, "Nobody's stupid enough to bring us to a place like this if they didn't have an escape route, so where is it?"

"The only way..."

"Nope," Ichabod yanked on the leash, sending him even further over the edge, "That's not what's happening here, tell us where the exit is or take a swim."

"It's not that simple!" Bram screamed, at this point, only being supported from taking a dip in the running black water by the makeshift rope pulling taut around his neck, he was forced to choke out an explanation, "It...It's like you said...I have a plan...but..."

"But what?"

"This will be a lot easier if you stop strangling me!" Bram yelled back and with an irritated grunt, Ichabod whipped him back to a safer spot on the bank, "Thank you," the demon coughed, "Do you think you can loosen this damn thing?"

Letting out an exasperated sigh, Ichabod pulled the gun from its holster and placed the barrel against Bram's ankle.

"Talk," he ordered.

"Right start with the toes and..." a gunshot rang out and Bram's foot was severed from the joint, staring down in horror, Bram let out a blood-curdling scream.

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