Chapter 3

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Part and Parcel Scrap Yard

Standing before her, Ichabod suddenly felt an unmistakable sense of dread coupled with the internal sense of awe simply being in her presence had stricken him with. There was no doubt in his mind that she wanted to kill him, and there was very little hope that he could stop her. So, he pulled his face into a nervous smile and when he spoke, tried to be charming, breezy, and approachable.

"Now," he held up his hands, assuming a calming tone of voice, "'stolen', is kind of a strong term."

"I agree, that's why I used it."

"Okay," he tried to laugh it off, but the tone of her voice was absolutely terrifying, "Is there any way we can calm down? Maybe sit and talk about this like adults?"

"Ah, I see, you're misunderstanding, I'm not here to discuss your crime, in fact the only reason I have for delay is an utmost respect for these people," Vhen gestured to the Ignalias still kneeling at her feet, "And all they have done..." lifting her hand, a tornado appeared in her palm, the twisting winds whipping at her clothes and lashing out all around her, slamming into them like iron chains, "Just hold still, this won't hurt too much."

Quicker than any of them could have seen, a set of steel fingers were suddenly wrapped around the wrist of the goddess and the wind was immediately snuffed.

"Hi," the face of the Gorgon was anything but inviting, her smile was practically a death threat on its own, "I don't believe we've been properly introduced, they call me Oriko."

"Is that supposed to mean something to me?" the Goddess scoffed.

"You raise your hand at my son one more time," her eyes flashed dangerously, "You'll find out."

"'My son'?" Vhen snickered, glancing over at Ichabod, "You let your mother fight your battles for you?"

"When needs be," Ichabod shrugged, "Look, you're here about the coyote right?"

"Roc," the Goddess jerked her hand out of Oriko's grasp, "He had a name."

"So he does, he's inside the shack, you can take him whenever you want."

"'re lying," she gave a disbelieving tilt of her head.

"Not at the moment."

"It's true," Oriko joined in, "Saw it with my own eyes."

"That, NO!" she insisted, backing away, the wind all around them rising to a howl as she raised her arm, "No, you're both lying, trying to save your skins..."

"Bacabai," it was Horus who spoke now, forcing Oriko and Ichabod to do a double take, "My Lady, while it is true that I cannot say that I have known this man for very long, I can speak to his character."

"How so?" the whirling typhoon did not abate, but slowed as she looked down upon Horus Ignalia's still bowed head.

"He stood with us when our daughter was possessed, and put himself in great danger to do so, and he faced Bagoul El Zewei."

"There are tales of what he has done," Yolonda supported her husband, "Repelling ghosts and demons, killing monsters at little reward to himself."

"He's an idiot," Caroline admitted, briefly raising her head before staring directly at the ground, "But... maybe he deserves the benefit of the doubt."

"Okay, wow," Ichabod was legitimately taken aback, needing several seconds to recover, "As um, as touching as all that was, there's a simple answer, just go inside."

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