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Within the Depths of Xibalba

Bram followed Medea over the carnage that remained from the battle, noticeably dragging his feet and grumbling while Ichabod's fallen weapon and Oriko's crushed mask floated, circling her left hand.

"Does someone have a bellyache," she openly mocked the discontent of her companion.

"More like a pain in the ass," Bram snapped in return, "What are we still doing here?"

"Oh of course, you are so very right," Medea sneered back, "Let's just load up the car with bullets and bombs and show up to his home guns blazing, it's worked so well for you already."

"...why did it have to be this time?" Bram wondered aloud, "You have no idea the number of souls I've harvested, but the one time it matters..."

"Because you understand pain, but not those who survive it," Medea explained, "You've only ever attacked the innocent, and disposed of them once reaching your climax, am I wrong?"

Withering a bit under her gaze, Bram folded his arms and continued to grumble loudly.

"You think agony and torture are a means to their own end without considering what it does, what it can forge us into, for better or worse," a haunted, knowing look twisted her features as she floated over Hanazariel's still twitching body, "To circumvent such thick-set armor requires patience, and the proper application of pressure," she knelt down by the fallen angel and touched her face, "It's not about piercing a chink in the plate-mail, it's about worming your way in and finding a weak point in the flesh, and I know his, all of them."

The ghoul did his best to maintain composure as he watched Medea examine the angel, hiding the fact that there was a chill slowly creeping down his spine. A shudder caused as much from fear as from excitement.

The Temple of the Easternmost Pillar

Reuniting with the scattered members of his family had been something of a mixed bag. Cindy had literally flown into his arms and was still hugging him even minutes later, Laurie had seemed surprised more than anything, yet moved nearly to tears. Oriko had simply punched him in the face, a bit of a shock to everyone except for Ichabod who, if anything felt he was getting off light. Following the cacophony of stammers and screams, he was eventually able to convey his suspicions to the others and watched most of them nod in agreement. Once again, Oriko surprised everyone, this time by being the only one in denial.

"I don't buy it," the Gorgon insisted.

"Well it's a good thing we're not trying to sell you a car then," Bianca chirped.

"No, I mean, I don't think you got her motivation right."

Ichabod Crowley series 3 The Thorn TreeWhere stories live. Discover now