Part Two

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"Da-da!" A one year old baby cackled, throwing his empty milk bottle away.

A young man sitting on the bed smiled and cooed the little one. His baby crawled into his belly, satisfied with his afternoon meal.

The new alpha of Blood Moon is a proud father to a beautiful baby boy. Even in the middle of piled up paperwork, he couldn't resist the cries of his son.

Baby Beam wouldn't drink his milk from a bottle without his dad and he surely wouldn't sleep after without him next to him.

"You happy now?" Forth Jamornhum asked as he gathered the baby to his chest to make him burp, and also after, to make him get his afternoon nap. Baby Beam can only sleep when he's laying on his dad's chest, feeling and hearing his heartbeat like a lullaby.

Those black orbs looked back to Forth's, twinkling with admiration. His little mouth opened up, revealing his two lower front teeth as he cackled and he nodded, his chubby pinkish cheeks glowing. He giggled at his father's soothing touch on his back. Shortly after, his head slumped on his father's chest, his breathing going even and steady.

"Sleep tight, baby Beam.... I love you..."

Forth's POV

I woke up from a wonderful dream, memory of the beautiful years that passed. Beam was just a baby back then and now he's almost eighteen.

Beam has brought me endless joy and happiness as I raised him. He's my world and if I had to give up anything or everything so long as I have him, I would.

How time flies...
I wanted it to but also didn't. For a man like me in this situation, I dread the day I tell him some things I had kept secret. But at the same time, I am anxious and anticipating that day.

Today, Beam is leaving for the alpha gathering in the capital. As future alpha of Blood Moon, he is to represent our pack and perhaps, he can make more friends and evidently build alliances.

I have to go for a run, earlier than usual to be able to send him off later. I'm worried because he seemed warmer than usual when I checked him the day before and then yesterday. If I sent a warrior with him, he'll grumble. He doesn't like bodyguards.


Here he comes. Beam's voice is coming from the hallway. Every morning, he comes and wakes me up for our daily morning run. The door swung open and my Beam ran to my bed and jumped on me.

"Morning, daddy." He smiled, giggled, and nuzzled his adorable face on the crook of my neck.

"Morning, baby." I rubbed his back the way I had been doing since he was a pup. "Read for the run today?"

Beam groaned and and hugged more on my torso. "I don't want to run today. I want to cuddle."

Goddess...not this again.

My angel has been extra clingy lately and it scares me somehow. My body reacts to him. In a way that I know I shouldn't. Not now. I've always loved my Beam but these reaction began when he turned sixteen. Even before he showed the heat-like symptoms of being a white wolf.

As Alpha, I have very strong sense of control. But when it comes to Beam, it is hard. Really hard. An elder couple had been helping me with how to control these urges.

My wolf, Leon, has been cooperative, which I had been grateful for. His desires and needs are just like mine but the control is harder for him.

"Daddy? Why do you have that face?"

I looked down and saw Beam darn at me, with tilted head, chin rested on my chest. I must have been grimacing at the pain brought by controlling myself. "Maybe you're just becoming heavy, baby." I lied through my teeth. Even I he wears a ton, I will never day he's heavy.

A angry frown was immediately painted on his beautiful face. "You're mean, daddy."

Oh, fuck!
I hate it when he's crying.

"Baby, come here..." I said while pulling him back when he attempted to get off of me. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. You're not heavy. I swear."


"Really, really." I cupped his face and planted a kiss on his forehead.

Beam wrapped his arms around my neck and hugged me. Scared as I am when he's this extra clingy, I love him the same and more. And I love his sweet acts and gestures.

"I love you, daddy." My angel rasped against my ear. It sent shivers down my spine I had to will my body to calm down. It's dangerous.

"I love you too, Beam."


I drove Beam to the airport where he'll take the plane to get to the capital. We live up north of the country as driving would take eight hours at least. As much as I wanted that, be with him longer, Beam loves flying.

I took a heavy sigh as I parked my SUV. "Here we are..."

I sensed sadness from Beam, I know he doesn't like being away from me, too. "Hey... It's only three days. You'll be back soon."

"But I'll miss you..."

"I'm gonna miss you, too. Probably even more than you'll miss me." I said then pulled him for a hug. "It won't be that cold in that part of the country but still don't forget to keep a jacket with you."

"Phoenix will keep me warm."

I smiled when he mentioned his wolf's name. Leon loves him. He's the most beautiful wolf we had ever seen. Just like how beautiful my Beam is.

"He will, won't he." I chuckled and kissed the top of his head. I briefly glanced at the clock in my car and saw that I was almost his flight. "Let's get you in before the plane leaves you." He nodded and hesitantly let my hug go.

Once inside the departure area, Beam's best friend was already waiting for him. One last time I hugged my son before he walked through the departure security. He waved at me as he mouthed an 'i love you'. I did the same.

My happiness was cut short when his best friend suddenly pulled him to his side, glanced my way with a smirk, and kissed Beam on his cheek.

What the--

(To be continued...)

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