Part Four

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Third Person's POV

The young future alphas of hundreds of packs in the country have arrived at the camp in Aspen mountains. Beam and Phana were among the last ones to make it. As the son of the most powerful Alpha in the north, Beam was famous and so was his best friend. They were welcomed warmly by the coordinators of the camp.

Boredom ate Beam slowly as he spent the first two days accepting a challenge after another from is fellow future alphas. Aside from enjoying the bountiful nature Aspen offers the campers, the future leaders would challenge one another in a friendly battle in the fighting arena, witnessed by hundreds of their peers.

Hunting in the woods, Swimming in the lake, Fighting in the arena were amongst the activities shared by these young leaders. The accommodation was great, their cabins and their food. But Beam was nothing but longing to go back home.

"Three days isn't that long, Beamie. Just half a day more..." Phana sat next to Beam on the audience box in the arena. He just shifted back and put his clothes back on when saw his friend staring blankly at nothing. The screams and cheers on Phana's fight earlier fell on Beam's deaf ears.

"But I miss him. I feel like dying." Beam pouted.

"Goddess." Phana muttered. "All this excitement around you and you've got one thing in mind?"

"He's not 'one thing'. He's a man! A handsome, sexy, fierce-- " Beam stopped and dropped his shoulders. "I just miss him. Just let me, okay."

Phana sighed in resignation. It hurts him to see Beam suffer from his taboo feelings for his own father. He wrapped his arms around his best friend and rocked him gently as to comfort him.

"Alright... Go ahead and miss him. I'm right here. I'll just back off whoever challenges you today and save them their face. They keep wanting to fight you when they lose anyway. The nerves."

Beam chuckled and buried his head under Phana's chin. "Thank you, Pha."

"Mm. But nothing's free, sweetheart. You'll pay a lot for this."

With a sad smile, Beam nodded. He'll have to let Phana drive his precious motorcycle for at least week when they get home.

Back in Corvus, a the Blood Moon pack, the alpha had been in the worst mood. He had been since he arrived home from sending Beam to the airport two days ago. His best friend and confidant, Crow, his beta, had been on the edge because of his demeanor.

"I swear I'm gonna meet the Goddess sooner if he keeps this up." Crow whined to Damian after he left the Alpha's office in the company. Forth Jamornhum runs Jamornhum Constructions LTD, and it's the main source of income for Blood Moon.

Damian patted Crow's shoulder and entered the office. He found Forth yelling on the phone. "If that order isn't done by today, I'm gonna fire the rest of your department. Get it done!"

The phone was thrown harshly on the desk now cluttered by papers carelessly laid across. Forth let out an exasperated breath before he gestured his delta to take a seat. He has his hands on his waist, eyes dangerously glaring at anything and everything.

"The chopper's ready. We can leave tonight if you want." Damian said after he sat down on one of the single black leather couches. Earlier, after receiving a video of Beam fighting in the arena at the camp, Forth suddenly asked him to prepare his private helicopter. The delta knew exactly what the alpha had in mind -- fetching his son. Their flight home would be in the morning, camp is over today by evening.

Forth picked up his phone after hearing Damian's suggestion. He phoned his secretary to tell the purchasing department to report to Crow when their task is done. "They have until seven." He said sternly before ending the call. He turned his laptop off and picked up his jacket from his swivel chair.

"Let's go." Forth said without glancing back to Damian, his long strides headed to the door. Shaking his head, the delta followed his best friend out of the office. He mindlinked Crow to tell him he's off to Aspen with the alpha.

<Got it. I hope he comes back smiling. Goddess he got me suicidal for three fucking days!> Crow groaned.

<Expect to take his wrath if the purchasing department doesn't report to you by seven. I heard the warning. So, might as well work with them. He'll fire the whole team if they don't make the order right by today.>

Crow's cursing lingered in the link even as Damian had stepped into the elevator that will take him and Forth to the rooftop where the chopper was waiting. Forth knew Damian was talking to Crow on their link. He's too preoccupied however by the need to get to Aspen as soon as possible. In a little over two hours via the fastest civilian helicopter, they reached the camp site.

It was a little past six in the evening when the campers were done with the major activities of the day. They had a closing ceremony over a bonfire as they have gathered outside the main cabin where they wait, mingled with one another, before dinner was ready. The sound of the aircraft landing on the helipad in the other side of the huge building got everyone curious. But most of all, it got one particular camper chirp in happiness.

"Daddy." Beam smiled widely and got off the big old log he was sitting at, surrounded by alpha females wishing to be his companion at least for the last night of the camp. He was a blur as he ran past the other campers and around the main cabin to get to the other side. Phana and the others were left gaping at the fastest future alpha in the camp.

Alighting from the chopper was the Alpha of Blood Moon, eyes sparkling when he sensed that familiar intoxicating scent. "Beam..."

The seventeen year old ran to meet his father and jumped into him soon as he was only a couple of feet away. "Daddy! You're here!"

"Hi, baby." Forth hugged Beam into his arms and chuckled as Beam rounded his legs behind his back. "I heard you got challenged a lot. Are you alright?"

"Never been better. I missed you!"

"I missed you, too, baby."

(To be continued...)

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