Part Eleven [End]

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Forth's POV

A loud scream made me drop my mug, with my coffee spilled all over some documents I was reading in my office. The sound came all the way from the suite Beam and I share. And I know that voice so well even at this distance.

While mind-linking Alexa to hurry and come to the Alpha Suite, I ran at full speed to get to Beam, leaving some cracks on the floor and the marble steps.

"Baby?!" I bellowed in worry as I slammed the door open. My wolf growled with me when we saw Beam clutching his belly while sitting down on the floor. His face was distorted in pain. I was in his side immediately not minding that two omegas were preparing the room adjacent to ours.

"The baby just got excited." Beam said and I helped him get to the bed. "Don't get mad at the omegas. I screamed at them when they tried to help me."

"Fuck." I cursed under my breath seeing Beam in pain. "Don't make your mommy hurt, buddy." I whispered to our unborn son. A boy, yes. Beam told me so, I believe it. My mate winced in pain as another kick hit him from inside. I kissed his face all over as I whispered sweet nothings to him, trying to comfort him in any way I could. My kiss lingered on his lips. Beam hissed when our baby kicked again. I felt it with my palm that was placed on Beam's belly.

"He's really excited." Beam said against my lips. "I asked the omegas to get our baby's room ready earlier. It's time."

"Then let's get to the infirmary now." I said while lifting him off the bed bridal style.

"That's a good idea." Beam said, his arms clinging around my neck. We were just exiting our bedroom when Alexa and her husband appeared in front of us. I sensed them earlier but I was preoccupied to mind link them that we're heading out.

"We're going to the infirmary." I told the doctors. They gave me a nod and stepped aside before they followed us. The infirmary isn't that far from the pack house. We got there in no time.

"How are you feeling?" I asked Beam while he's laid down on the hospital bed inside the delivery room, my hands holding his left and kissing it repeatedly. Our baby will be delivered cesarean section and I will be here until everything is over and I can take my family home.

"The pain is bearable now." Beam uttered softly. His right hand is massaging his belly. "Daddy..."

"Yes, baby?" I leaned closer and caressed his soft cheek, then pressed a kiss on his temple.

"I love you." Beam said with a smile and it made my heart swell in happiness. I captured his lips for a soft kiss and nuzzled our noses together. "I love you, too."

Shortly after, Alexa and Vincent were inside the room, ready to assist my mate's delivery. I am greatly relieved that in this times, we have a drug that lessens the pain during a delivery for us werewolves. It greatly helps make omegas as well as all the other females who have delicate pregnancies.

My Beam is not omega so he has to have a cesarean section. Thus, the pain would have been tremendous if we didn't have the special drug.

"How are you feeling, Alpha." Alexa asked Beam as she checked his vital signs. Vincent prepared the rest of the equipment next to the bed.

"I feel numb down my spine and my hips." Beam answered. Alexa smiled at her and motioned her mate to start. There are two other assistants with them, pack doctors in training.

"Alphas." Alexa politely spoke before everything started. I couldn't see the operation from my side. I'm sitting next to the headboard, Beam's belly hidden behind a raised cloth. I stayed to comfort Beam as the operation went through on the other side.

"Tell me if you feel any pain, okay?"

"I'm okay, Daddy." Beam said to me as he held my hand. Soon, we heard a loud angelic cry. Beam and I shared a teary look before we diverted our eyes to Alexa.

"Congratulations, Alphas." She walked around the bed to get to my side seconds later, and in her arms was our baby wrapped in soft, baby blue blanket. She handed my son to me and I showed him to Beam.

"Hello, Finnegan." Beam had tears in his eyes as he greeted our son. With closed eyes, Finn curved his little mouth into an "o", tiny wrinkles appearing on the side of his eyes, his cheeks pinkish. "You look like your daddy." He said, chuckling as he kissed our son's forehead. Finn's hair is as black as Beam. "He's beautiful, Forth."

"He is. And you did so well, baby." I said to Beam and gave him a series of kisses on his hair while still holding our newborn. Finnegan V. Jamornhum. The beautiful fruit of our love. It's cheesy but it is what it is.

'Damn right, it is.' Leon, my wolf agreed. I can feel the pride in him. I can feel Beam's wolf, Phoenix jumping in joy as Beam's eyes turn to golden color while cooing our son.

I let Beam cradle our baby in his arms after the doctors finished stitching him up and he began to heal himself. I watched with pride and joy as he looked our baby with so much love in his eyes. I prepared Finn's formula since Beam can't breastfeed. I let Beam feed our son while I sat next to him.

"So greedy." Beam giggled as Finn gulped on his milk like he would run out. I chuckled against my mate's temple. "I love you, Beam."

"I love you too, Forth."

Both of us gave our son a kiss on his cheeks as we whispered, "We love you, little one."

This is the happiest day of our lives, the birth of our first born. And I am hoping for more happiness for the three of us. So I will work hard for it all -- giving the life my little family deserves, providing for my pack, and keeping everyone safe and secure.

Beam's POV

I am definitely the happiest werewolf in the world right now. I have my mate next to me and our newborn son. I've become a mother to the child of the man I fell in love with. I couldn't wish for more but for my mate and our son the happiness they deserve.

I will work hard on it -- loving my mate, keeping our baby safe and healthy, working side by side with Forth as Alpha to keep our pack safe and secure, and fed.

I have been blessed. The sin I thought I was committing, it never was one. And even if Forth ended up being my father, I would have committed the sweetest sin. Still, I am very happy he isn't. Now we have the sweetest blessing -- living and loving each other without guilt.


"Yes, baby?" My mate smiled warmly at me with our baby asleep between us.

"I am so happy you're my mate."

"Me too, Beam." Forth caressed my cheek lovingly and leaned over to kiss my forehead. "I love you. So much."

"I love you, too. Like a lot."

Forth and I shared a chuckle and our baby suddenly whimpered and cried.

"Shhh. We love you, too." We both said softly and Finn quieted down and went back to sleep. "Little rascal." Forth whispered. I smiled in return. "Now I know where he got it from."

"Me." I whispered back. Forth had to leave to the bed to laugh his ass off silently. I was left shaking my head and watching our baby sleep.


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