Part Eight

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Today is Beam's birthday. He had been nervous all day because this evening, the mating ritual will be held. In front of the members of Blood Moon pack, everyone of age, he will receive the Alpha's mark, Forth's mark as his mate.

The ceremony is the most sacred of all rituals for Blood Moon. It represents the union between the strongest member of the pack and the one who will stand next to him as his equal, the other Alpha, Luna for female.

The secrecy behind Beam's identity had been revealed to the pack days before Beam's eighteenth birthday. The elders responsible for the secret helped Forth make the council understand why he had to hide his true relation to Beam. They all accepted his reasons and they were proud of him for being able to have control over the course of years with his fated one.

"Are you ready, baby?" Forth asked his lover after he entered the master's bathroom and found Beam checking how he looked in the mirror. Since the day they slept together, Beam had been sharing Forth's bedroom, the master suite.

"Daddy...I'm nervous."

The Alpha smiled and walked closer to wrap his arms on Beam. "I am too, baby. But more excited."

Beam's chuckle was shaky as he rounded his arms on Forth's torso tighter. "W-What if I accidentally call you 'daddy' while you're marking me?"

Forth kissed on Beam's hair repeatedly as he rubbed the small of the boy's back. "It's alright. It might get the others going but it's understandable."

"Get others going?"

"Get them turned on, baby." Forth answered. He almost facepalmed himself for saying it. "Y-You know... The daddy kink."

"What's a daddy kink?"

'Oh boy.' Forth thought. "Just don't worry about it. We'll be alright, baby. And you'll do fine. I know you will."

"Thank you, Daddy."

"You're welcome, baby."


The ceremony, held at the open grounds behind the Blood Moon pack house, was attended by not only the members of Blood Moon but also by Silver Creek's Alpha, his Luna and son, Phana.

"I knew there's no way Forth would father a child at seventeen." Phana's father commented. "He may have been wild back in the days but he was a responsible kid. He knew his limits."

"He totally fooled us." Phana's mother added. "Well, I can understand now. Too bad though. I always wanted Beam to be Phana's mate." She sighed and earned Phana's rolling eyes.

The head of the council soon stepped forward into the middle of the wide clearing surrounded by wooden benches where the spectators were seated. There's a circular platform where the Alpha and his mate will stand and present themselves at the ritual.

As the sun hid itself fully, the council leader began his speech, welcomed everyone and called forth the Alpha and his mate. Forth and Beam walked together and stood hand in hand on the platform with eyes fixed on each other.

"And tonight, by the power given to me as the head of the council, and the blessing of the Moon Goddess, I present to you the Alpha of Blood Moon and his destined mate, Forth and Beam."

Witnessed by hundreds of pairs of eyes, a swirl of white glistening light surrounded the couple. Forth pulled Beam closer and with his left hand, held Beam's nape exposing the part of his neck where Forth's mark is going to be.

Beam's lips pursed as his eyes met Forth's loving gaze. "I'm ready."

Gently, Forth nuzzled against Beam's neck and licked the pale skin in there. Beam moaned from the delicious sensation and it earned quite a number of giggles from female spectators. Beam was beautiful, even more so at the very moment.

"I love you, Beam." Forth whispered before his fangs appeared and his eyes turned red.

Beam's pupils dilated as Forth's fangs pierced into his skin, sending bolts of powerful, electrifying, and wonderful sensation into his whole being. His eyes turned golden as the bond between him and his mate formed. Forth had to hold Beam firmly when the latter shivered and trembled in his arms.

After the seconds that seemed eternal for the two, Forth's fangs retracted. He licked the spot he bit on Beam's neck. A wolf howling to the moon appeared on the same spot. His wolf.

"You're forever mine now, Beam. Mine..." Forth rasped as he held his mate between his arms. Beam's golden eyes met his red ones and with one quick swoop, he pulled Forth towards his face and kissed him. Deeply, passionately.

Whistles were heard as Beam claimed the Alpha's lips, arms clinging onto his shoulders.

"Mark me, baby." Forth uttered breathlessly after the kiss. The head of the council didn't even get the chance to announce the union formally.

Beam's mark will complete their bond but it wasn't required at the ceremony. They could do it in private. The Alpha's demand was met by Beam's delighted smile nonetheless. He jumped into Forth and clamped his legs around him.

"I love you, Forth." Beam rasped against Forth's ear, eliciting a moan from the latter.

Forth and Beam shared a warm smile before the latter slowly nuzzled his nose on the Alpha's neck. He licked the spot where his mark will be and in a quick dive, his fangs plunged in and Forth grunted from the wonderful surge of heavenly sensation. He cursed unknowingly. He was highly turned on and no matter how much he would try, there was no stopping it. "Beam..."

"Daddy..." Beam husked after licking the spot he bit. The wound closed and the figure of the two wolves snuggled under the moon appeared on Forth's neck.

The swirl of light between Forth and Beam grew into a ball around them, blinding everyone around and blew off with sparks. The spectators watched in awe after seeing it for the first time. The light usually just disappears subtly once the Alpha marks his mate.

"I am so making my mate mark me during the ceremony. This like live fireworks!" Phana drawled. But his eyes widened when Alpha Forth stepped off the platform with Beam on his shoulder. Just then he noticed how every mated couple, now aroused and frantic, got off their seats and ran to every direction.

"What on Earth???!" Phana exclaimed.

A figure walked towards Phana and watched the sex crazed couples find spots to do their naughty deeds. "This is what happens when the Alpha's mate marks him during the ceremony. Full moon or not."

Phana didn't hear what the other person said. His sense of smell overpowered the rest. He could only close his eyes as the delightful scent of lavender invaded his nostrils.


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