Part Nine

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A/N: This heat... Ugh!!! Bring the winter already!!! 😭


Beam walked inside Forth's office without a care as to what the Alpha was doing or he was with at the moment. "Dadd-- Forth!"

Forth who was talking to another Alpha suddenly looked up to see his highly irritated mate. "Beam? What's wrong, baby?" He quickly excused himself from the person he was talking to.

"It's fine, Forth. We've covered the basic anyway." The other Alpha said as he stood up and gathered his folders. He turned to Beam and smiled his way politely. "I'll be on my way, Forth. Give me a call to finalize the contract."

"Sure." Forth shook the other Alpha's hand before the latter bade goodbye to Beam as well and then walked out the door.

"Hey... What's wrong?" Forth asked his mate soon as they were settled on the couch. Beam just gave a exasperated sigh before slumping his forehead on Forth's shoulder He was sitting on Forth's lap. "Baby... Tell me."

"I'm hungry."

Forth chuckled and rubbed Beam's back soothingly. "Did you ask an omega to fix you something?"

"Yes. But it wasn't enough, I want to eat more." Beam raised his head and stared back at Forth. "And also, I wanted to eat with you. But you were busy."

Forth chuckled and picked up his mate before he began walking out of his office. On the way, through the pack link, he asked an omega to prepare some snacks for him and Beam. He's heading to the dining hall with Beam in his arms, clinging on his neck like a koala bear.

"I almost called you 'Daddy'."

"It's fine, baby." Forth replied as he walked through the hallway that leads to the hall. They chatted playfully until they arrived at a table, their food was ready within a few minutes.

"I'm gonna get fat from all this eating." Beam pouted as he chomped on more chicken-bacon mozzarella sticks. "So good though. Guh!!! I feel like I'm raising a food monster inside me!"

'You better not be talking about me.' Beam's wolf, Phoenix, growled. Beam bickered with his wolf, he didn't notice his mate's frozen state.

"" Forth pulled Beam's seat towards his. "When did this cravings start?"

Beam tilted his head. "Huh? Hm. Today? I think..."

Forth wasn't home all morning as he was at the company office. He hasn't seen Beam all day. And now that they had sat down together, he's able to deeply examine his mate. And his scent. He wasn't sure yet so while he smiled and hugged Beam close, he called his beta, Crow, to call in a doctor.

<Why? Is Alpha Beam sick?>

<Don't ask. Just get me a doctor!>

<Yes, Alpha.>

The line was cut and Forth remained hugging on Beam.

"Forth... You're making me horny. Stop." Beam whined between his mate's arms drawing laughter from the older Alpha. Forth seemed excited and Beam didn't have any idea why.


"Why am I getting checked?" Beam asked with a deep frown. The doctor Forth asked arrived at the mansion and now they're at the living room with Beam getting examined by one of the pack doctors.

Dr. Alexa smiled at Beam before she showed him a special instrument she's going to use to check his stomach without removing his clothes. "Alpha Forth said you might be raising someone inside you." She teased.

"It's alright, Beam." Forth said to his mate. He has Beam's head on his lap while he latter lay on the couch.

"Hey! Stop that." He protested as the round object was placed on his belly.

Forth leaned down to kiss Beam on the tip of his nose. "It's okay, baby. At least we'll be able to know if you're raising a monster in there."

"That's not funny." Beam retorted. With Forth's left hand clasped with his left, he let Alexa place the instrument with no fuss this time.

The doctor was concentrating on the sound sent my the instrument to her ears, her eyes turning yellow as her wolf helped her decipher her findings. After a few more seconds, she took the round object off of Beam with a smile.

Forth was biting his lower lip, his eyes sparkling brown to red then back. He was excited to hear what the doctor has to say, so was Leon. Beam on the other hand was still oblivious of what was going on.

"Monster, my ass." Beam muttered as he patted his belly. Forth lifted his hand and made him stop. "Daddy!"

"Shhh..." Forth said, placing a finger on Beam's mouth. "Let's hear what the doctor says." He turned to Alexa. "So?" He asked, his eyes hopeful.

Alexa gave him a knowing nod. "There is an extra beat in there. It's too early to tell but soon, you'll be able to sense it more, the change in Alpha Beam's scent."

"Wow..." Forth couldn't contain his happiness. When Beam got up, confused over the conversation, he pulled him to his lap and crashed their lips together. "You're so amazing, baby!" He said, chuckling against Beam's lips after the kiss.

"Thanks!" Beam drawled. "But why are you so happy?"

Alexa, who was still standing in front of the Alpha's cleared her throat. Forth thanked her and dismissed her through the link.

"Daddy...what is it?" Beam asked again.

"You're pregnant. We're gonna be fathers!" Forth rasped as he nuzzled his nose against Beam's. "We're gonna have a baby." He added, his happiness was over the moon.

Beam stiffened not from any other emotion but from overwhelming joy. "R-Really?"

"Yes, baby..." Forth answered as he cupped his mate's face, planted feathery kisses on him repeatedly.

"I-I'm gonna be a mommy?" Beam said with teary eyes. Forth kissed those too as he nodded.

"Dang!!! We're having a baby!" Beam finally recovered and screamed joyfully.

"I love you so much, Beam." Forth said with loving eyes staring directly at Beam's dark orbs.

"I love you so much, too... Daddy Forth."

The two were ecstatic, feeling very blessed at that very moment
They kissed and chuckled against each other's lips, then kissed again... and again... and again...


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