He Was Jealous

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Krabi, Thailand

"Put your left hand on his shoulder."


"Look at each other."


"Clark, put your right hand on her waist." The photographer took multiple shots of the scene.

The hot sun bearing down the crews and models have added tension to the scene creating the perfect atmosphere for a passionate and amorous portrayal. Beads of sweat became accessories for the perfect shot. Heated gazes increased the intensity of the images.

"Ok, wrap-up." The photographer shouted after taking the last set of photos.

One of the assistants gave Lou a bottle of water while multiple women went to Clark to fuss over the actor.

Clark Marshall, an actor with the boy next door image is her co-model for today's shoot. This is the third time that they have worked together. Their chemistry is obviously very apparent as producers like to hire both of them for the same projects. Lou wasn't surprised. This guy is a good actor.

Lou absentmindedly crumpled the empty bottle of water in her hand as she thought about their second encounter.

"We'll have a 30 minutes break." The photographer announced as he looks at his camera.

Lou sighed as she took off the arm currently embracing her waist. When the arm wouldn't budge, she harshly looked at the smirking face of her co-model.

"Could you please take your hand off me?" She said at the person irritably.

She is annoyed and irritated. Too close, their poses are too intimate but she had to be professional and act as if it does not affect her.

The man raised both of his hands in surrender. "Sorry."

Lou started to walk away.

"Wait! This is the second time we've worked together but I still have not introduced myself. I'm pretty sure you know me already but just for formality. Clark Marshall at your service." Clark presented his hand to Lou along with his signature boy next door smirk.

Lou looked at the hand offered to her and thought that they'll probably never see each other again after this job so she shook it.

"Lou." She said simply and started walking away again.

After that encounter, Clark acted too friendly. Asking her about her hobbies, looking for common acquaintances and even asking for her phone number that she reluctantly gave.

What she didn't expect that even on her second photoshoot in this country for a different project, she will be working with this pompous man.

"Hey do you want to hit the bar tonight?" Clark's question shook her out of her reverie.

"Sorry, I prefer to rest in my hotel room." She said pasting on a fake smile.

"Oh come on. This is our last day here. You should at least enjoy what this place offers."

"You should go then. I don't think my lack of presence is a problem."

Clark took one of her hands which immediately made her forehead knot. "Hey don't be a spoilsport, everyone is going. It is a chance for us to unwind. You seem stressed."

Lou took her hand away from his grasp. "Fine." She relented.

She is pretty sure that his hoard of assistants will beg her to go later anyway. She had gotten closer to some of them and it seems like they are pushing her and Clark together. She immediately shot down any of their efforts to make it happen.

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