𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 7

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The second night shift is scheduled quicker than expected and a bad feeling is swirling around in my stomach as I enter the pub, somewhat ready to start work. However, my growing fears dissipate the moment I bump into Dan and he explains that he decided to give me another night shift because I have experience now, not because I was requested by a certain president of a certain club.

"You wanted them the moment you started working here so now that I know you can handle it, I thought you wouldn't mind working at night," he had said.

Knowing that he's being considerate of my wishes makes me feel happy. What feels even better is knowing I wasn't given this shift because some old dude that runs a biker gang asked my manager to make it happen. When I had walked into the pub I didn't notice any of the club members sitting in a booth or at the bar, either, so maybe it'll be an uneventful night for me.

Of course things wouldn't go my way, though.

You know that sinking feeling you get when you see an elderly person fall? That's exactly what I experience when a young man wearing a Scarlet Knives vest enters the pub. The only thing I can be happy about is that he came in alone. Or maybe this will be more dangerous? Well, as long as it isn't Gary things should be A-okay--that's what I tell myself, anyways. The man quickly makes his way to the bar and sits at the end, closer to the windows on the right. There are two other men currently sitting at the bar, both who don't need to be served any time soon, so I walk over to the club member who just arrived.

"Can I get you anything?" I ask politely.

"Mm...bourbon, neat. Maker's Mark, if you would be so kind," he replies in a smooth voice, pleasing to the ear.

I quickly turn around to get a glass and make the man his drink, which doesn't take very long. When the drink is handed to him, he slides his money across the bar in front of me which I take with a gracious thank you. Seeing as all my customers are content, I go back to cleaning a glass I had been working on before the club member showed up. While busying myself with the task, I make sure to sneak a few glances at the attractive man sitting on the far right.

His hair is dyed grey and styled up. Brown, gentle eyes stare down at his beverage intently and he has the softest, plumpest-looking lips I've seen. When he gave his order, I had also noticed he has a crooked tooth, which I find to be quite charming in its own unique way. The jawline that this man has is incredible--I can't tear my eyes away from it. Although I originally thought I was being as subtle as possible, the man picks up on my constant glances and raises a defined eyebrow as he sips his drink. Smiling forcefully, I avert my eyes and give all my attention to the lovely glass in my hand, only now realizing that I've been cleaning the same spot for the past five minutes.

The clearing of a throat has me lifting my gaze, wondering which one of the men needed my service. The two on the left are still deep in conversation which can only mean...

Sure enough, the club member is looking at me with smiling eyes, one elbow propped up on the table and his chin in his palm, a grin on his face showcasing that crooked tooth. Swallowing down my nerves, I approach the man hesitantly, worried about what he's going to ask for.


"I think you'll have plenty of time later to eventually finish cleaning that glass, so why don't you keep me company for the time being?" the man suggests, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"I think I could do that but in exchange could I have a name?" I reply, resting a hand on my hip.

The man chuckles and crosses both arms on the bar's surface. "Jimin. I don't think I've seen you around but I know of you from Gary--you're the only ginger in town he could possibly be complaining about. By now, you've probably taken note of the connection I have with the club."

Scarlet Knives || Jungkook ff || DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now