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SEPTEMBER, DECEMBER, WHATEVER MONTH EASTER WAS IN, AND JUNE were always the best months of the school year. Charlotte was in September, the easiest month. She hadn't seen Dallas since that day in jail. She'd almost sweated out the fever he gave her. Charlotte was in her room, shading a still life for homework when her window slid open.It'd been a long time since she'd heard that phenomenon. Dallas was back. Maybe better than ever. Charlotte refused to look at him, even when his shadow covered her small frame.

"Sunflower in a mug, hm?"

She simply nodded, continuing to shade with her dulling pencil. The graphite smudged on her finger pads, occasionally marking her clean paper's edges. Chants echoing in her head tried protecting her. Keep him out. Don't fall for him. Stay safe. Safe is not being in love with Dallas Winston.

"Y' miss me?"

"If you want."

"What's the matter with you?"


"Guess what?"

"Chicken butt."

"Close enough," he laughed, "I caught Sylvia two-timin' me again."

"Color me surprised."

"With Tim too. Damn, I coulda killed him." Charlotte kept drawing, seeing him sit in her peripheral vision. She couldn't look at him, not after his manipulation. "So what's goin' on with you?"


"Drop out."


He paused, calculating the perfect way to attack. She was in low resistance mode. It was time to pounce like a cat. "Wanna go on an adventure?"

"Why the hell not." Charlotte sighed, looking at Dallas for the first time in a month. She cursed herself for saying yes. She studied Dally's face. He was clean shaven, his hair cut. He hated hair cuts. He'd bitched to her about them in the past. "Where'd you get the shiner?"

"Tim. Got in a fight after I slashed his tires."

Charlotte nodded, grabbing a small jacket for the evening. She hopped out the window with Dally and they were gone once more. She hated being next to him. Charlotte hated herself for blindly running back to the juvenile delinquent.She hated herself for getting a crush. He drove her to a place where all the teenagers went to make out.

He parked and sighed, scratching his head with the palm of his hand. "What's really been goin' on?"

She stayed silent, pondering the perfect response. She wanted to share why she was angry. Why she could scream at him for hours for manipulating her and pulling Charlotte down a rabbit hole. "Why do you give a shit?"

He shrugged, "'Cause."

"Why'd you bring me to make out hill?"

"Prison makes a guy uh, desperate for a little action."

"You think you'll get action from me?"

"I think my chances are good."

She rolled her eyes, "Why's that?"

"Nosey, nosey, nosey." Dally chuckled, bonking his finger on her long nose. She sighed, frustrated. He knew damn well why she asked so many questions. Charlotte then realized Sylvia was a test. He was testing Charlotte's emotions. Dally got the reaction he wanted. Little Lottie liked him.

The moon was perfectly aligned with Tulsa's highest building at midnight. She couldn't help but admire the moonlight then looked to her left, horrified to see Dallas cleaning a heater.

"W-What's that for?" Charlotte inquired, her voice trembling as her mouth went bone dry

"Relax, I didn't come here to kill ya. My buddies are in a murder rap, killed a Soc."

Then she remembered the story women were talking about earlier. A news report she listened to before bed. Robert Sheldon. Bob as most kids called him. Alice used to be friends with his mother in their days of youth. Two kids named Johnny and Ponyboy were involved with his death. Bob was usually pursuing a fight.

"Are your friends okay?"

"Only as long as they do what I say." He replied, the embers of his cigarette glowing. "You know, Charlotte, I don't get you."

"The feeling's mutual."

"I mean it. For a girl with as much inclination towards the insane, I dunno how you avoid petty drama and how you're still a prude."

"Maybe it's cause I know I'm not made for your lifestyle."

"You are, I know it when I see it."

"Oh you think so?"

"I know so." Dallas grinned, seductively licking his lips. Charlotte stared at them, almost in a trance. "You wanna kiss me, Lottie?"


"I bet you're too scared."

"Why's that?"

"Cause you got the hots for me and let me spend time with y'. You never make a move."

"Why should I when you'll have a girlfriend tomorrow?"

"Because you only live one life, sweetie. Why not give in to what you want and break your Mama's heart."

Charlotte bit her lip and felt a war commence within her. Explosives were thrown, fire was in her veins. Soldiers fought for innocence, dead. Blood soaked their pure uniforms.

Before she even knew it, Charlotte's lips were on his. She tasted his smirk. A spark untamed becomes a destructive flame. The embers traveled along Charlotte's porcelain skin as Dallas hands explored every dip and curve on her body. She was ravishing.

Mouths locked together and steam began to gather on the Red Thunderbird's windows.

Dally's silver tongue flicked upon Charlotte's lower lip, teasing it open. Charlotte tasted colors. Red, purple, black. Colors too great to describe.

Jackets slipped off. Hands fought to support their bodies, printing themselves at the scene of the crime. Charlotte's mind clouded with thoughts of her next step. They were interrupted by a sinister chuckle and Dally's lips set her tongue free.

"D-Dal?" She stammered, immediately hooked on a new drug

"So innocent, Lottie. You sure you're a virgin?" His sentence contradicted itself, but damnit. Charlotte didn't care.

She nodded, biting her lip as some form of fear trickled down her spine. Dally simply chuckled and climbed back into the front seat of his car, turning on the engine.

"Where're you taking me?"

"Home." He replied, his lips curling into a smile. Dally drove her in absolute slence. The sexual tension couldn't have possibly been cut with a knife. Only something far sharper and a utensil only a crazed murderer could have desire to wield.

Dallas pulled up in front of the dark house. One light was on. Alice was waiting.

"Good luck, toots." He snickered as she swore, getting out of the car. Charlotte approached the front door, noticing how badly it needed a fresh coat of paint. She drew a deep breath, slowly twisting the knob.

[ A/N ] - This chapter really isn't superb work but it was the best I could work with from my original draft. More exciting events are a- comin' :)

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