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  "Jeonghan did you just refer to a knife as a  'people-opener'?" Seungcheol asked nervously. "Should I not have?" He asked innocently. "Yeah, you shouldn't have." The8 suggests as he thsrows the knife hitting the targer. Seungcheol, Jeonghan, The8 and Vernon were in the Knife throwing room.

  "Jun able to fight yet?" Vernon asks The8, he's been out for some days since The8 stabbed his leg. "He's getting better." The8 says throwing 2 knives at once. "Hopefully and how does one accidentally stab one in the leg?" Seungcheol asked. "Idk man, It just happens." The8 shrugs.

  "Jun I need help." Mingyu said falling onto the bed basically crushing the older. "Hey, watch the leg! And what do you want?" Jun asks shoving Mingyu to the side. "Ok, so I came to you, because your the only one I know who's in a serious relationship." Mingyu said and Jun sat up straighter. "Ooh relationship problems that's the tea!" Jun says excitedly.

  "So bro what do you do when you see someone beautiful?" Mingyu asks. Jun taps his chin in thought. "First I stare, I smile, then I put the mirror down." He finally answered. "You know what. Your no god damn help." Mingyu said exiting the room. "UGHHHHHHH." Mingyu said leaning against then door frame, he shared a room with Wonwoo, the 2 had bunk beds, Wonwoo took the bottom while Mingyu took the top bunk.

  He and Wonwoo were some of the only pair that shared a room. Junhao shares one. Jihan had shared one, same with Dino and Vernon for some reason. Booseoksoon each has their own room, same for Woozi and Seungcheol. "Same." Mingyu flinched when he heard Wonwoo's deep voice. "Oh hey, I didn't know you were in here." Mingyu chuckles.

  "So what's wrong?" Wonwoo asked setting down his book and pushing his specs further up on his nose. "Just tired." Mingyu lied, no way he was going to admit he's stressed because he fell in love with his bestfriend. "Come down jere here then." Wonwoo said and Mingyu agreed. He sat down on Wonwoo's bed and layed his head on Wonwoo's lap.

   Wonwoo ran his hands through Mingyu's hair as he continued to read. Mingyu's hear hurt, he know he'd just be bestfriends with Wonwoo. Nothing more, and it broke his heart.

  "Yo Woozi, got any skeletons in you closet?" S.coups asked. "Do you mean literally or figuratively?" Woozi asked. "Honestly, the fact that I have to specify scares me." S.coups sighs. "Why do you need one?" Woozi asked crossing his arms. "I need to show Seungkwan how to not break someone's leg while fighting." S.coups explains and Woozi nods.

  "There in Hoshi's closet." Woozi says. "Huh never thought." S.coups chuckles to himself, he thanks Woozi before stopping right outside his door. "Wait, how does he know that?" He whispers to himself.

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