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"Give me a book!" Wonwoo grumbled as he slammed the front door open, a scared and worried Mingyu silently trailing after him.

  "Only if you promise not to kill anyone with it." Seungkwan says slowly handing over a random book he pulled from the shelf, located in the living room.

Wonwoo snatched the book and flung it across the room. It was going to hit one of the vases if Dino hadn't litterly dived for it.

  "Thank you Dino, and would it kill you all. To not break every vase or thing in this house?" Jeonghan asks placing the vase back on the shelf sending a glare back at the other boys in the living who are avoiding the intense eye contact from the mother of them.

  "Soo.... what happened?" Seungcheol changed the subject as they all turned to a still fuming Wonwoo. Mingyu just shook his head rapidly as you could practically see steam coming out from Wonwoo's head.

  "Ok, so I wanted to take Mingyu out on a date today. And recently they had this cute little cafe. And the stupid thing was that you would need a reservation since they were 'busy.'" Wonwoo rolled his eyes.

  "So anyways, I made the reservation. And today, we both go to the cafe and I walk up to the lady and say. 'Jeon Wonwoo, party of 2.' And that same lady I spoke with last time, looked at her list and said they didn't have anyone under that name!" He shouts.

  "So after a whole argument with her. We got a table. And we order some food. And half and hour later, it never came. I went up to the counter and asked if our food would be ready soon. And this bitch said that they just started it, and it'll be ready soon.

  I was a bit ticked off, and to top off. Other people who came after us got their food." Wonwoo says. "So I angrily went up to that lady and went off on her, cancelled the order and walked out." Wonwoo said, basically all in one breath.

  Without another word Wonwoo stormed into and threw open the cabinet to find no more of his snacks. "Why are there like no snacks here?!" Wonwoo shouts, slamming the cabinet shut causing them to flinch.

"Ummm, excuse me I'm right here!" Mingyu shouts, and Wonwoo pokes his head out of the door and raises an eyebrow as he looks Mingyu up and down and nods in approval.

"Later." Wonwoo says as he turns around on his heels and spins around. Back in the kitchen he grabbed a glass and the tea kettle. However he couldn't identify whatever flavor of tea this was.

"What kind of tea is this?!" Wonwoo yells scrunching his nose up in disgust as he considered pouring the cup down the sink, The8 just laughed and scratched the back of his neck.

"Oh that? Jun just boiled some Gatorade." The8 said as the others legit choked on air. "Oh." Wonwoo says as he takes another sip from the cup, and Seungkawn has to resist the urge to throw up.

  "My kettle!" Jeonghan yelled as he snatched it away and dumped out the liquid into the sink. "This is why we can't have nice things!" Jeonghan yelled flinging the sponge around, dirty dish water on the boys.

  "On a better note. Dino I need you to run this out to Dk, him, Jun and Venron are out doing archery and he forgot his arm pad. Thank you!" Joshua said shooing Dino off before he could protest

"Why do I have to do this. This walk is so far!!" Dino whines as he trudged his feet, along the dirt road to where the boys would be practicing. However when he got there, the place was empty.

  However if he hadn't backfliped out of the way, he would have been shot in the shoulder by an arrow. He turned to see a guy in a dark grey mask, covering his face, he was holding a boy and arrow, already back in the fire position.

  That definitely wasn't a seventeen member, all their gear was in neon yellow. The mystery guy shot another arrow and Dino easily dodged it.

  However when that guy shot the next one, another arrow sliced through it, knocking it off course. (Like how skilled do you have to be, to make that?!?!)

"Stand down Hwall, he's no threat." A new person says. They both turn to see another archer with a pastel pink mask. His voice seemed highly familiar to Dino.



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