Back in the saddle again

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Clementine's POV

Robert "Ok now the best way to channel the light is to think before action if you have an emotional motivator it makes it so much more easier but with the cost of control".

Clementine "So like if I need to protect someone will my light be stronger so to speak"?

Robert "Well yes as at times I have had a few outrages of pure devastation with my light I toppled a whole braytech facility on mars Ana was not happy at me for that it held records on her sister Elsie Bray".

Clementine "What made you do it"?

Robert "My ghost she has a habit of getting me pissed off beyond belief".

Clementine "Well don't I need a gun or something to defend my self like a weapon of sorts"?

Robert "The light is a weapon so that makes you a weapon as a striker told me a fist is better then any weapon".

Clementine "But I don't think I am a striker I don't even know what you are".

Robert "Is your ghost around"?

Clementine "Not to my knowledge".

Robert "Well I am a warlord an old race of guardians wiped out as we had our own will to do what we pleased the other warlords but me and Felwinter abused this the sole class guardians went on a crusade to wipe all warlords from existence but they failed me and Felwinter lived under the iron lords until we went to find SIVA this nano tech corrupted us and the other iron lords, me and Saladin was outside the replication complex as lady Jolder closed the door I teleported in there as the bomb went off I got blown away to the cosmodrome in Russia and got revived my second time as Urabet puts it 'your light is to much to leave behind', I understand that but I enjoyed my few hundred years rest then I woke I went on a rampage through fallen to get to a jump ship just for it not be able to fly off planet, thats when I returned to the tower and the speaker was in shock to see my face(takes his helmet off to show his scared face and his glass eye) I know I ain't much but I had someone before death and she was slaughtered by the vex the cabal came in moments after, they... they".

Clementine "It's ok carry on".

Robert "They left me to morn, then the valus ta'aurc ordered a firing squad on me I was dead in an instant I remembered everything so when I killed ta'aurc I made sure he suffered that was one time my ghost didn't make me go into a light fuelled rampage, the cabal respect me he didn't and he got what was coming to him every year I go to the same place of the day as a way of showing my respects to her and the cabal just let me though and kill any vex that even attempt to get in".

Clementine "I somewhat remember a man who helped me when all this started".

Robert "Well if he ain't here I guess he is dead so he must of been a good man not many people are like that at the tower always looking out for their selves mainly hunters are like that but I have seen some warlocks go down that path all classes have a trait of a warlord and hunters get the worse of them cockiness, selfishness and hatred of order, thats why they were slain by the hundreds because of what they were like even Felwinter killed one his lie was never found and I hope mine is not either".

Clementine "So am I going to learn how to use the light as I have no idea apart from emotions help".

Robert "Well we need to find out what class you are so try and cause and explosion with your fist".

Clementine "What I could die".

Robert "No you won't trust me, I have done it before it don't hurt".

Clementine "Ok"

As Clementine tries to fist of havoc In Lucem and Usrabet come back and see the training of light starting and she fails and fails Robert speaks up.

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