Training is on hiatus

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As Clementine stands there in shock at the sight of Lee while Robert and Usrabet are shocked due to her remembering something exactly as Robert cocks his shotgun behind his back.

Lee "I don't even know who you are".

Clementine "What are you saying you protected me when I was 8 you got bitten because of me".

As Clementine finishes her sentence she breaks down in tears as AJ and Violet rush to her side to comfort her Robert steps forward and speaks up".

Robert "In Tenebris I know what you are what you have done your name says it all and I have killed my fair share of guardians before and their ghosts I can do it again with you".

Lee "You may try but you will fail".

Robert "You're so sure of that, you have no idea what who you are threating".

In Tenebris "I think we can take a warlord who limits his own power to hide it".

In Lucem "What did he say Robert"?

Robert "Well no point hiding it now".

Robert summons a arc staff a ward of dawn and a hammer of sol and gets ready to fight off two guardians at once to his surprise Clementine stands with him and draws her shadow bow.

Robert "Thought In Lucem would have you try to kill me".

Clementine "He has his anger for warlords but he is keeping them at bay until we deal with this even if it hurts me mentally".

Robert "Well then now how are we going to do thi-"

Lee throws a nova bomb and kills Robert, he closes in on Clementine drawing a dawnblade to end her life as a blinding light appears behind Lee, as a ball of light brighter then the sun blinds him for Robert to self resurrect and punch Lee in the back of the head as he draws a weapon to end him, Lee draws a thorn which has Robert step back in shock as it looks like the one Dredgen Yor had Rezyl Azzir.

Robert "Where did you get that".

In Tenebris "Oh that the corrupted rose or thorn shin malphur was not good at hiding the chest that contained it even though it is temporal".

Robert "So thats the rose well now I have no choice AD MORTEM INIMICUS"

Robert leaps forward with his maul swinging it, hitting Lee as he tries to shoot thorn missing repeatedly as Robert's maul dissipates Lee uses his corrupted light to summon chaos reach and strike Robert down to which he holds a ward of dawn up to protect the entire school from destruction, as Lee and Robert's supers ware off they stand face to face hand cannon in their hand ready to draw Robert knows if he misses he will die so he has a backup plan to summon a wall which is unviewable to warlocks, hunters and normal people, neither of them can shoot each other but Robert is waiting on the wall to dissipate and he will draw and shoot In Tenebris as he floats above Lee's shoulder.

3, 2 , 1 Robert and Lee shoot they both miss but Lee staggers, Robert checks himself for the bullet from the cursed thorn and his ghost to realise the rest was behind him as he turns around he sees where it landed.

Zavala's POV

Ikora "We lost signal with him as he went to Mercury this is not like him to disappear when the city is under threat".

Cayde-6 "I don't blame him for bailing it's what I would of done only joking Zavala".

Zavala looks at Cayde unimpressed.

Zavala "We need all active guardians ready to protect the city Oryx came here only because of him killing Crota and we don't even know what these soldiers of even are".

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