Chapter 2

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Peter walked in and sighed.
"still the same..." he walks around the place, he takes off his heavy combat boots hitting the ground, and making a loud noise that made him jump a little, he walks upstairs into his old room. it never changed a bit, although there is cobwebs everywhere.
Peter shudders, "..ghh...stupid arachnophobia..." he walks out, but sees something out of the corner of his eye. He swiftly tilted his head and stared at the dark corner, and starts hyperventilating a bit. "...h-hello?-"
"Peter?" Aunt Johnna came up behind, "GAAAH!!!!" Peter's scream shook the house a bit, "woah!! hahaha! I was only coming to check on you!! is it?"
"''s okay...hey Aunt Johnna, can I sleep on the couch tonight?" Peter asked

Aunt Johnna gave him a confused expression
"Why don't you want to sleep in your room?"
"well... because....siighh....i don't know..." Peter looked down a bit.
"..hmm...ookay...but only for tonight... besides! tomorrow is a big day!! I have my diner job, and you have your first day of school!!"
Peter definitely did not wanted to go to high school. He immediately thought about his old friends,
But that coyote kid, with the red and white fur, and his eyes were like a raging fire. Very very beautiful, Of course Peter would have to agree to this
"...okay...I can't wait for highschool oh boy! ...sighh..."
"heheh!! want kung Pao? or Orange chicken?"


A few hours passed, aunt Johnna was sleeping in the guest room, peter was on the couch, sleeping peacefully, until he starts having a nightmare.

Peter ran...and ran...through the dark forest...scared...the only word on his mind was "RUN. RUN. RUN." He then stopped. As a tall, dark, smiling creature with eyes red as blood, loomed over him. The creature raised his hand up and in one firm swipe...slashed Peter's chest...peter fell down, trying to gasp for air, as blood flowed from his chest. The monster put his sharp toed foot on Peter's chest, and pressed down, "AAAAHHHHH!!!!!" Peter the final thing he heard was the monster... laughing...


The creature laughed and laughed as it grew louder and louder by the second

Peter woked up in a cold sweat and jerked upward, "...o-oh....oh it was....was only a nightmare.......on-only a nightmare...."

He immediately heard in his head his aunt's words saying
"If dreams can come true...what does that say about nightmares?"
He flung the blanket off of him, and looks out the window, and hears no birds chirping, no squirrels, no sound, "..huh...strange...aah shhiit!! I got highschool don't i?" Peter flopped back on the couch and sighed. Today is a new day, for Peter Alexander Kelly.

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