Chapter 16

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Peter ran and ran through the forest, he was yelling for tren's name, "TREN?!!! TREN!!!" He cried, but no one answered, as he ran he was met face to face with Charlie, grinning. "..what...wh-where's... WHERE'S TREN?!!!" He screamed at the tall demonic figure, Charlie didn't answer, but he did reply with a demonic laughter, loud as anything peter has ever heard. Peter covered his ears and curled up in a ball, as he did he felt little drops of blood hit his nose, he looked up and saw a horrifying sight. Tren, on a tree crucified, with his intestines dangling out, and a terrified expression on his face, "!!!! TREN!!! FUCK!!" Peter screamed, Charlie continued to laugh, until his jaw dislocated from laughing so hard, tren's lifeless body moved his head upwards, and started to laugh with Charlie, now ten times amounts of loudness for peter, his ears started to bleed, he screamed in agony as the darkness finally surrounded him.


Peter woked up in a cold sweat, and felt the cold breeze of the forest, he turned his hesd quickly, and saw tren sleeping by him. He smiled in relief, and carressed his back, tren snuggled up by peter and smiled, "..thank god your okay..." Peter thought to himself, he slowly got up not trying to wake up tren, he grabbed his jacket and putted it on, he looked around the campsite. No ember, "..ember?-" "GRAH!!!" Ember came up behind peter and scared him, "FUCK ME SAILOR MOON! ...grr...heheh...heya embs..." Peter said rolling his eyes, "hehehe...heya scaredy cat! ..or should I say? ...pussy coyote? Hahaha!!" Peter laughed at that joke a bit, " and tren really hit it off last night..." Ember said with a pensive face, Peter started to blush, so he hid his face. "..well..I mean...heh...thank god we don't go too far..." Peter said, gulping at the thought of accidentally getting tren pregnant at only 15 years old, he shook it off as just a bad thought, "yeah..hehe...imagine that...want one?" Ember said holding up a box of cigarettes, " brought smokes?" Peter said a bit hesitant, he thought about it for a second, "...okay fine...just because I need one..." Peter said pulling out a cigarette, " almost got killed by a supernatural monster two times! Hahah!!" Ember said lighting her cigarette, and then lighting Peter's, "..thanks...I could've done it by myself.." peter said blowing out a puff of smoke out in the Canadian wilderness, " probably burn your ass...I was being nice..." Peter smiled a bit, "..thanks embs.." He said, "anytime bro.." she replied with a smile. Tren felt something sandy and wet scraping across his face, "...heh...peter stop..let me sleep heheh!" Tren said, he slowly opened his eyes, and was met with a cat's eyes! "..Mandy?!" Mandy meowed happily, and spun around when tren woked up. "O-oh my god!! Mandy!!" Tren said excited to see his cat companion again, he hugged her and the cat rubbed her face against his chest. "I thought you got killed! I thought you died! ...heheh...thank god for that..." Tren said petting mandy's head, he looked around the forest a bit, and saw peter and ember sitting beside eachother, "...huh? ...heya guys!!" Peter turned around and saw tren waving at them, and saw a cat with him, "...heh...heya trenny...who's that?" Peter said, tren picked up Mandy and walked towards them, "this is Mandy! My cat...I thought she was killed by him...but I guess she got out alive!!" Tren said smiling, peter walked up and petted mandy's head, "...heya Mandy...nice to meet you.." peter smiled a bit, he still can't get that clear image of tren's dead body just crucified on that tree, he shook his head side to side to get it off his mind, it left his train of thought, but not for long.

Peter grabbed his bag, and pulled it upwards and over his shoulder, "alright...when we get to Redcrest...we're gonna grab snacks...and we're gonna grab waters and such....heh..and no ember, no alcohol.." peter explained to the group, "DAMN IT!" Ember yelled, tren laughed and petted Mandy again, happy that she found him. "Water, food, and we out!! Got it Cap'n!" Ember said making a saluting sign, "pfft...don't do that...were only on the run for a little bit until Charlie gets bored and ditches us...or we find out a way to take care of him..." Ember and tren nodded, then they all started walking away from there campsite, Charlie fell asleep in the tree above, his snore was pretty damn loud, enough to make you wonder, how the ever living fuck is Charlie's snoring not alerting the others? Charlie snapped awake, and saw the others walking away, Charlie grinned like the Cheshire cat, and crawled down the tall pine tree. As he hopped down the tree, he shapeshifted into his deer form, with black fur, and eyes red as blood, he trotted away and followed the others as they walked into the dense forest. Tren had Mandy in his backpack, Mandy looking around in curiosity, "..heheh...what do you see mandy?" Tren said smiling at the feline, Mandy meowed in enjoyment in a way, but her meowing was cut short when she started to stare off into the distance, "..Mandy? ..what are you looking at?-" tren saw what Mandy was staring at, his eyes widened as he stopped, his heart pounding in fear, face to face with him was a black deer, and he could see clearly that his eyes were red, peter came up behind and tapped on tren's shoulder, startling him, "woah! ...sorry...are you okay?" Peter asked a bit worried, tren looked at the direction where the black deer stood, it was gone, like a phantom. "..n-nothing...thought I saw something..." Tren said, not sure of what he saw, probably half of the rabbit was a bit raw and now he's seeing things he thought, ember came up with her hands in her hoodie pockets, "...what's up?" She asked, "nothing...tren thought he saw something...c'mon..I think we're close...", Peter said as they came up a hill, when they finally made it over the hill, they saw a city surrounded by tall trees, peter smiled a bit, "..that's it...that's Redcrest..." Peter said, he moved his hands over to where tren's left hand were, he put his fingers over it and they both held hands together, "...heh...I'm ready...let's go guys.." tren said smiling at peter, "hahah!! Nice to be out of Toronto! Let's roll!!" Ember said walking down the hill, Peter nodded and he snd tren walked down the hill aswell. "...y'know...when we're older...we could live here..." Peter said, "huh..yeah! We could...just me and you......and...maybe..maybe one more..." Peter looked at tren with a tiny bit of confusion, "..what do you mean?" Tren blushed and smiled, until it finally hit Peter's mind of what tren is talking about, "o-oh!! ...heh...yeah...I would love that with you.." peter said happily, they both chuckled as they finally made it from the hill, and was met with a sign saying WELCOME TO REDCREST. they all stopped and looked at eachother, they took big breaths, and then walked forward, into this new city, and this new world. But they weren't alone, Charlie hid behind the treeline, and saw the sign, he grinned sinisterly, and transformed into a crow and flew high above, watching for the perfect moment until one of them separates.


"For the last time...he would away..." Johnna said to fredrick, who was eating a cream cheese bagel, " never know...just sayin'.." fredrick said with a tiny mouthful of bagel, "look...okay I admit...he told me he had....Thoughts... thoughts of like...harming himself, blaming himself for his father's death...y'know....Teenager.." Johnna said looking at her coffee mug, "yeah...I had one aswell..she wanted to be a cop like me but.....she..she moved out and decided to become a dancer..." Johnna looked up and smiled, "awww...that sounds nice...I bet she's pretty famous!" She said with a smile, but fredrick frowned a bit, "...a exotic dancer...and yeah..famous..famous in that damn strip club of hers in Boston..." Immediately the smile on Johnna's face disappeared, "..oh...oh I'm sorry.." She said putting her hand on fredrick's hand, fredrick blushed a tiny bit, but he kept a straight face. "...don't worry about it...she forgot all about me... it's fine, it's not like I'm a drunken old bastard that is just a waste of space..." He said eating his last bite of that bagel, "alright...back to checked Pete..." He said pulling out a map of the neighborhood, "yeah...." Johnna said sadly, a bit upset knowing that fredrick's daughter left to become a dancer. "...hmm...maybe he left the city limits?" Johnna added, "...huh...your actually not got two city's he could've gone to...we got Redcrest a small but bustling town, everyone knows eachother, popular vacation destination...the other is woodque creek...a not so big's pretty much a campsite, tourist trap and all..heard a famous doctor lives there so that's somethin' ...who knows? ..first..where gonna check woodque...then we'll check Redcrest...sounds like a plan knockout?" He explained, johnna nodded, but was stopped on him calling her "knockout" witch made her blush a tiny bit, "y-yeah...sounds like a plan....I hope he's okay...with these murders around...and that scar across his me goosebumps..." Johnna said rubbing her arm, "heh...don't worry... he'll be fine i guarantee..." Johnna smiled at fredrick, "..thanks Freddy...let's get outta here..." She said with a smile on her face, they both got into Betty and drove off, passing the entrance sign of Toronto, a couple of hours later they drove up to a bikers bar, and they both got out, "..what's this?" Johnna said raising her eyebrow, "...dinner...I'm buyin'.."


two hours passed by, and Johnna took a firm swig of her Budlight, and fredrick was watching her, she pulled the bottle from her mouth and smiled, obviously drunk as hell. " okay?" Fredrick asked, "yyeah...I think?? 'bout y-you? piece of shiithahah!!" Johnna laughed putting her hand on his shoulder, fredrick laughed with her, "hahah! ...heh...yeah your hammered...let's stop for the night..." Fredrick grabbed ahold of Johnna's hand, witch made her turn red a bit, "heheh...ssuch a ladies man hahahh!!" She laughed stumbling across the bar, "heheh...thanks..I guess...c'mon knockout..let's get outta here..." He said, obviously a bit wasted aswell, they stopped by a motel near by and ordered a room, witch the receptionist lady ironically said " for two? One bed?" She asked, "oh no thanks, I can sleep by myself-" Johnna placed her hands on fredrick's lips, "we'll take the onne bed pleease heheh..." The receptionist eye the two, then gave them there room key, they walked in and fredrick locked the door just in case, "...siiighh... aight..c'mon johnna..let's get you rea-" when fredrick turned around johnna lunged herself to fredrick's arms, and kissed him, fredrick's eyes widened up, but thought "oh fuck it-" he kissed back and johnna unbuttoned fredrick's shirt, and they both plop down onto the bed, I'll let the reader's imagination run wild with this part.

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