Chapter 14

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Ember was standing outside smoking a cigarette and listening to her music, she turned her head to see Peter and Tren run to the fence and hop it, and darted off into the forest. "...huh..strange..." She said to herself, then she got the brilliant idea to follow them, she followed there way, and hopped the fence.
"Run" were the only words peter thought, dodging branches as he ran, tren followed behind. "P-peter?! Where are we going?!!" Tren yelled from behind, "like you said!! Away from Charlie!!" Tren stopped for a bit, catching his breath, "...pete...Pete hang on!!" Peter stopped and looked behind him, seeing tren catching his breath, "are you okay?!" Peter said running to tren and helping him up, "..yeah..I'm fine....Jesus Christ...Jason's eyes!! They...they were on fire or something!" Tren exclaimed, "I know!! What the fuck was that?! ...that's why we're going...we don't know what he's gonna do next..." Peter said holding tren's face, and then kissing his forehead, "who's gonna do what next?" Came from a voice behind them, "JESUS CHRIST!!" Peter turned around quickly, "e-ember? ...fuck me, don't do that!" Peter said, ember laughed aloud, "heheh!! Sorry! ...who's this?" Ember pointed at tren, " are?" Tren said with a serious tone in his voice, "ember! You can call me Embs!! Nice to meet ya!" Ember said shaking tren's hand, "..gee thanks..." Tren said pulling his hand away, Peter nodded, and they both started walking away into the forest, "hey wait up for me!!" Ember said coming up from behind, "so what are y'all doin?" Ember said poking her head in the middle of us, "..erm...runnin-" tren put his fingers on Peter's lips, "none of your business...get outta here it's gonna be dangerous..." Tren said, "..pfft...I live dangerously...c'mon!! What are we doin?" Ember said grabbing Peter's hand, tren's hands immediately spawned fire in the palms, and he grabbed her wrists. Burning them, "...I said...LEAVE. US. ALONE!!!!!" Tren shoved ember down, immediately filled with raged, ember got up and spawned fire in her palms, peter gulped as he backed up to let them settle out there differences, "your not the only one with fire powers motherfucker!!!!" Ember said lunging at tren, tren dodged and grabbed ember and threw her down, immediately peter grabbed them both and pulled them apart. "BREAK IT UP RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!!!!" Peter yelled, immediately tren and ember stopped fighting, "..s-sorry petey...." Tren said rubbing his arm, "Jesus...nice pair of bad peter..." Ember said shooting a glance at tren, "...thank you!! I forgive you both!! ...siiighh...listen...ember? ...the monster came back...he killed a douchbag that we knew and his we're running away from him...his name is Charlie by the way..." Ember's eyes widened, "..wait wait wait...the wendigo? ...the same thing that killed-i mean...ate the other victims?" Peter nodded, "..yeah...just me and tren..." Tren nodded with a smile on his face, "...unless you wanna come?-" tren punched Peter's arm, "ow!!" Peter yelped, "the fuck peter?! What happened to just us?!" Tren said with a angry expression, "I just thought we needed some more help that's all!! What's wrong trenny? ...why are you worked up with ember?!-" "BECAUSE I DON'T WANT HER TO TAKE YOU AWAY!!!!" Tren yelled, with tears about to come out, "...i....PFFFT!! HAHAHAHAH!!! Aawww...tren!! I would do such a thing! I don't even like guys!! Hahah!!" Ember said patting tren's back, "..wait..really?" Tren said with a shocked and confused look, "yeah! Besides...I never wanted to bone with peter!-" Ember said before peter interrupted her, "OOOOKAY THAT'S ENOUGH! ...but..hey..tren it's okay...I'm bisexual yeah...but it's mostly turned to men...I won't ever leave you...I would never do that.." peter said with a smile, tren wiped tears from his eyes a bit, "...awww...thanks...I just got really nervous that's all...ember? ...I'm sorry i attacked you.." tren said softly with his head down, "aah don't worry about it....but damn i didn't know you had fire powers like me!! That's effing awesome!" Ember said with a smile, "..heh...thanks embs...y'know...yeah you can come with us..." Ember lit up with glee, "WOOHOO!! Let's get outta here!" Ember said while running more into the forest, "heheh!! Wait up embs!!" Tren said following, Peter sighed in relief, "..thank god it wasn't worse....I think I hurt my throat yelling...ouch.." peter followed, but little did they know, a crow was watching from above, and that crow had red eyes, the crow swooped down onto the ground, and shapeshifted back into Charlie, " damn!! ..thought it would be more interesting..heheh..." Charlie transformed back into a crow, and flew upwards, keeping an eye on the group. Watching and waiting, for the perfect moment to strike.

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