-feelings come back-

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bettys pov , as archie pulls over in front of my house , we sit there in silance and we look at each other for a minute and he breaks the silane and says " do u need help with your bags " , i nod ok yes and we both get out , archie gets all my bags but almost trips and i say "arch let me help u , u almost fell just now " he blushes with ambarrsment and i take 2 bags and he has 3 , as i unlock my door i put my bags in the living room , and so archie puts the rest in , my house is lonley , its just me , i havent seen my mom since , the assending , i start to tear up cause i have nobody and im lonley , archie sees my eyes and runs and hugs me , hes hugging me tighty , and says " we will get her back " , he cuffs my face , and wipes my tears away , i look at him and i ask " will u stay with me arch " , " he looks at me and says " of course i just wanna run and grab clothes , as arch runs over to his house , i go to the kitchen and make some hot coco and some some popcorn for me and archie , i take it to my room and i see archie threw my window , hes grabbing some clothes and some movies when we can just watch netflix but ok.
Archies pov, as I'm in my room getting clothes I see some movies my and betty would watch as kids, hocus pocus, scooby doo, I grab them and head out the door to Bettys, I open the door and head in, I see betty on her bed covered up and I throw her one of my shirts, she Brockley giggled when I gave it to her cause, it makes her feel better and she has like ten of my shirts, she puts it on and pats her hand on her bed telling me to come upon it and I take off my shoes and plop on her bed, she hugs me and I hug her back she asks me if I wanna watch tv, I say ya and she puts on a once upon a time on Netflix, shortly after Bettys falls asleep, Archie says, I like you betty, but the feelings I have for you I thought I hid a long time ago but there back and someday I will tell u how I feel, Archie pauses and continues to say but not yet. Archie didn't know that betty wasn't fully asleep and heard everything Archie said and she was happy :3
the next morning, betty woke up before Archie, she couldn't get the fact out of her head that Archie liked her mite even love her, so she grabbed her diary and started writing, so after she was done writing, Archie was up beside her saying " what you riding ", she quickly closes the diary and puts on her table and she says "good morning to Archie " and he says it back she walks out her room and goes to the kitchen and Archie follows her, betty then grabs a vanilla yogurt, grapes, oats, strawberries, and eggs, Archie says " can I help "betty says yes then he starts to make the eggs while Bettys get the plates and bowls and she making the yogurt. then after the eggs are done, they both go to the table and start to eat their food they both talk and laugh.

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