Chapter 11: dont let them know 🙊

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Ok. Ok. Breath just because you dreamt about him doesn't mean you like him. I tell my self. I walk over to get back in our 'bed' but I couldn't bring myself to sleep next to Carlos. So I just sat back on the side of the building. I must have fallen asleep again because I was woken up by stripe licking my face.
"Hey stripe." I sit up. I turn my head to face the dog but instead I see a human face. The freckled face grins at me.
"Hey Elle!" Carlos greets me.
"Let's get going." Mal calls from behind me.
"Get sick of sleeping next to the snoring de vil Elle?" Jay asks, I blush and hide my face.
"Just had a bad dream." I murmur. Carlos stands up and offers his hand. I ignore it and stand up. He gives me a confused look but ultimately dismisses it. Everyone grabs their jacket and whatever they left on the floor. We all climb off the roof and start walking to the VK's parents hide out.
"So how did everyone sleep?" The evil queens daughter asks. Evie has fixed her makeup and even changed her lip colour.
"Actually great!" Lonnie smiles, everyone agrees except me.
"Elle?" Mal asks.
"It was fine." I say bluntly. "I just had a bad dream."
"The isle does that to you." Jay says,
When we finally reach the villains hideout we all stand outside looking at the door in awe.
"So..." Lonnie says slowly, "who's going In first!"
"Not it!" I say,
"Not it!"
"Not it!"
"Not it!"
"Not it!"
"Urgh fine." Mal groans. She walks towards the door and just as she is about to open it someone else burst out. Cruella De Vil, jafar and the evil queen walk out. We all turn and try to run, but there are guards everywhere and they push us back.
"Oh!" Cruella De vil exclaims "look at that Dalmatian! wouldn't he make a good hat? Yes he would." She began talking to the stuffed dog on her collar about stripe. I pull him closer to me protectively.
"You touch him you die!" I tell her,
"Well look at you big and brave." Jafar says walking closer to me. "Well not so big!" He runs his hand through my hair.
"You touch her again you die!" Carlos and Jay say at the same time.
"Watch who you talking too young man!" Jafar snaps at Jay.
"And you!" Cruella turns to Carlos "you got very brave, protecting a girl from us and a girl with a vicious dog at that!"
"I'm not scared of you or the dog." He says,
"That's a big mistake!" Jafar cackles,
"Evie!" A woman's voice calls. We all look forward again. The evil queen stands in front of us. "Are you back to rescue mommy?" She asks. Evie and Lonnie exchange a look.
"No we are not you old hag!" Malificents daughter steps up wanting to throw some trash talk at someone because her mother isn't here.
"We are here to save the king!" Lonnie states, all the villains gasp.
"Your boyfriend?" The evil queen continues to Evie.
"No you idiotic psychopath!" Mal throws her hands in the air, "my boyfriend!"
"And why did you think we would help you after everything?" Cruella asks,
"We need to know where the bleeding heart flower is." Jay says casually. All the villains exchange looks.
"Have you heard of it?" I ask.
"Yes tiny we have!" Cruella snaps. I roll my eyes at the nickname she gave me.
"Shove your stuffed dog down your throat!" I fire.
"I'll murder your dog if you don't pipe down!"
"Mom! Stop! Now!" Carlos interrupts,
"Stay out of this Carlos!" We both snap at the same time.
"I said it once I'll say it again; you touch my dog you die." We stare at each other.
"So where is it?" Evie asks.
"As if we'd tell you traitors!" The evil queen snarls.
"Guards!" Jafar shouts. The guards move forward,
"And I'll take that!" Cruella snatched stripes lead away from me.
"Give it back!" I lunge to grab the lead but am held back by someone. I turn and see a large man, one of the guards.
"Get off her!" Carlos yells and rams hard into the guy. I see all the others fighting guards off as well. I turn my attention back to Carlos. The guard throws a punch narrowly missing him.
"Carlos duck." I shout, they boy in black and white does it. I push my hand against the guards chest, but this time instead of  the light ice I did to chad I send a shot of really fast ice into the guard. The guard fell to the ground, I quickly run over to cruella and freeze her hand lightly so she drops the lead. I pick it up and then feel my hands get tied behind my back. I see the others have had the same by more guards.
"Take them to the dungeons!" Jafar orders. The guards walk us over to a stairway and down it. We end up in a concrete cell. Everyone sits there in silence for a while. Carlos shuffles over to me and squeezes my hand. A while later Jay starts shaking the bars. Like that will do anything.
"Jay would you stop?" Lonnie shouts at him.
"Do you have a better way of getting out?" He shoots at her.
"We could melt the bars!" Evie suggests.
"With what genius?" Mal snaps,
"We could freeze them then just smash them!" Carlos says pointedly looking at me. I look straight ahead.
"Once again... with what?" Jay yells. Carlos looks at me again.
"Elle please?" He gives me puppy dog eyes. I look away but now everyone is starting at me.
"What?" Evie says,
"Carlos stop." I shoot Carlos a stop look but he carries on.
"Elle this is the only way to save Ben we have to get out of here."
"Fine.." I sigh. "Ok so no one murder me." I warn. I stand up and hold my hands out in front of me send ice out of my fingertips. I freeze the bars and turn to see everyone's faces. They are all completely shocked even Carlos. "Guys?"
"O-m-g!" Evie squeals and hugs me.
"You know you lied in truth or dare right?" Mal smirks.
"I'm sorry, i guess I don't trust easy."
"I'm joking ice princess!" She laughs.
"You told Carlos." Jay teases. I blush and see Carlos do the same.
"Actually he found out after following me to the woods." I say.
"Who cares let's go!" Lonnie shouts,
"Ok on 5?" Evie asks,
"Can we go on three so Elle can't push me into it?" Carlos grins at me.
"Fine, 1!"
"3!" Everyone runs into the ice bar and they all snap from the pressure. I pick up stripe and we all sprint out.
"Up the stairs!" Evie yells, we all follow. We run up the stairs and are faced with two guards.
"Stop!" One commands.
"Ok!" I say stopping and holding my hands out to their chests. I send ice shots until they fall to the ground.Lonnie high fives me and we keep running. We run into the villains hideout.
"I wondered how long it would take you to escape?" Jafar says, when he sees us.
"Cut it out dad! Where's the flower?" Jay demands.
"It's been 30 minutes you imbeciles!" The evil queen laughs. "Why would we have changed our minds?"
"This is why." Mal states and points to me holding a snowball.
"What are you gonna do? Pelt us with snowballs?" Cruella cackles.
"Well..." I begin,
"Elle focus." Evie whisper shouts.
"No! Of corse not." I finish.
"Whatever! Guards!" Jafar scoffs. We turn and see around 10 guards running forward. I thrust my hand forward making giant ice spikes appear in front of them blocking their path.
"I mean we could pelt you with snowballs." Lonnie shrugs at the shocked villains.
"As if you'd do that to you parents?" Cruella smirks. I see the VK's looking slightly guilty,
"They wouldn't I would!" I grin and send three giant ice spikes towards each of them. The ice presses them against the wall with the spike at their necks. I learnt that from my mom when she did it to the guards trying to kill her. Funny I never thought I'd be in that situation.
"Ok,ok,ok the flower grows on the shore, follow the dead rangers pathway and it'll lead you straight to it!" The evil queen quickly blurts.
"I always knew you'd be the one to crack E.Q." Jafar rolls his eyes. "You always liked Evie too much." I see Evie smile a little at this.
"Whatever I always hated Carlos." Cruella glare at her son. I can tell Carlos is hurt.
"Let's go VK's and honorary VK's!" Mal calls trying get rid of the awkwardness. We all turn,
"Hey! Aren't you going to let us go?" Cruella shouts. I look back. Then I throw my arm over Carlos shoulder and carry on walking.
"I'm good thanks." I call. Carlos grins at me.
"Your the best!" He whispers so close to my ears that I can feel his lips moving my hair and his breath sending shivers down my spine. I shake the feeling and smile.

Dun dun dunnnnnn I'm still on holiday so it's a little blocky and I wrote part of this when I was writing out the story because obviously it was a big part of the plot so I had to piece it all together.

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