chapter 14

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His hands start to literally tremble and he has moved from the stool to the couch where he is hunched over with his head in his hands just shaking.

I realized I have been pretty numb this whole time and I haven't left that same spot at the end of the bed. I'm in shock at all that I have found out and to think he hasn't even told me the worst part is crazy to me. What could it be? I wonder.

I decide to go sit next to him on the couch. I grab his hands and pull them away from his face.  His hands are still shaking. I hold them in mine trying to get them to stop, and I just tell him that it's okay.

He finally starts to speak again, "besides those that know what happened I have never talked about this."

I assure him again "its okay." and he has since leaned over to the other side of the couch away from my hands.

He begins telling me finally "After I wrote those notes I went into my old room, and i laid down for a little trying to make the feeling go away, but it didn't. I grabbed the bag from Marcos and I also grabbed my phone, I had your number dialed, and I quickly changed my mind when my thoughts immediately went to how pathetic I was, and so I put my phone down took the pills out unscrewed the bottle and I took them. I took them all."

"I woke up 5 days later in ICU, my mum and dad were there. I guess I couldn't even kill myself right." he says.

All i can do is cry, I just start balling my eyes out, he is super far away from me on the couch and I just pull myself over to him and wrap my arms completely around him and just cry.

He says "i'm sorry". I am surprised by this. "why are you sorry?" i ask still crying.

"this is too much, i was really messed up" he says.

"i wish i knew, and could have helped you" I say

"everything happens for a reason" he says.

He realized I wasn't stopping my crying so he tries to be positive. "Some good came of it, I went back to rehab this time for 90 days, I got every kind of therapy imaginable, and finally dealt with my PTSD from what happened to my mom, and got anger management, and I have been clean ever since. I guess almost dieing,  kind of changes a person." he says.

All that keeps replaying in my head is Hardin tried to kill himself and I had no idea. and i was spending those days thinking he was enjoying his life without me with different girls and probably just had it all, and he was literally dieing.

"are you okay now?" I ask but scared for the answer.

He replies "Yes I am good now, every show is hard because the temptation is there but most people know."

"Show?" I question.

"Yea I'm touring now (mostly festivals)" He says reluctant to tell me more.

"Touring? Wow? Exciting...why does it seem like you don't want to talk about it?" I ask confused.

"Idk my life is going from city to city and playing shows till 2am, it's a different lifestyle and I'm proud of my music but it's a lot for most people" he says.

"Are you producing?" I ask.

"Yea, I DJ, produce and write." He says

"That's really great Hardin." I say

He wasn't kidding when he said it's a lot. He is a music superstar in London and I sit at a desk all day.

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