Elijah: 2:30 pm :After the last day of school

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Today was pretty successful. I winked and melted hearts, said goodbye to my friends, now all I had to do was pack for camp. I leapt off the bus and quickly opened my front door.

"Hey Eli! How was school?" My dad asks from the kitchen. He's wearing his chef outfit, still.

"Okay", I say. "How come you're home early?"

"The DeLuce's were kind enough to give me a couple hours off. I gotta drop ya off at the airport tonight, remember?" He looks at me with raised eyebrows.

"Shooooot..." I scrambled up polished stairs and grabbed my suitcase. We have to leave in three hours! I hurriedly opened my bedroom door.

And collapsed onto my bed. Aghhhhhhhh. I don't want to get up.

Dad was already making dinner downstairs, I could hear him frying up some fancy dish. Yup. My dad, George Ignis, is a personal chef. To some incredibly rich people. The DeLuces. Apparently they are owners of a oil company or something, I don't know much about them, just that my dad works for them.

I gathered my summer clothes, my bathing suit, and a couple sweatshirts for good measure. Running my fingers through my hair, I checked things off my mental check list.

Toothbrush. Check. Comb. Check. Swagg clothes. Check. Hair gel. Check. Towels. Check. Phone. Check. Socks and shoes. Check. Papers.

Shoot. Forgot to sign a couple of those.

I grabbed them off my IKEA desk, and dashed downstairs.

"Yo Dad? Can you sign these really quick?" I slide across the floor with my socks.

"Sure, grab me a pen?"

I looked around. Ummm... Dad's office room was across from the kitchen's marble island. He usually calls it off limits, but I think grabbing a pen would be fine. He doesn't want his precious secret recipes to be exposed to the rest of the world, but I think he's just exaggerating.

I slid over to his oak desk, scouring for a plain pen. His desk was really clean, only a few large envelopes lay upon it. I didn't see any pens, so I abruptly opened the first drawer I saw. I found a shining ocean blue pen, about three inches long. Pulling it out, I admired the tiny red crystals embedded in a swirling pattern around the pen. I gently pushed one near the bottom and nearly set the place on fire.

I dropped the pen, hands shaking, and leapt about five feet back.

"Oh. My. Godddd....."I gaped at the steaming, three centimeter, charred hole on the mental cabinet next to the desk. Why does my Dad have a freaking LASER PEN?!??! And ,will he notice this hole?! I pulled the cabinet door open and peeked above it. Yup. The laser went right through it, and a couple of the files in there too... Whoops.


I guess I could replace the holey files..but the cabinet... oh man. I will be grounded for years... Ughh.

I pulled out the first ruined folder. It was slightly singed around the laser hole, and it went right through it. I flipped through the file checking the other papers. Wait. These aren't recipes at all.

It was stamped with a confidential red print, meaning that these were to be kept a secret but... wait a stamp from the C.I.A?? They have those? WHAT.

Is this someone's idea of a joke?
This file was full of blueprints! The first one being a solar powered cell phone with a sleek and thin design. Each blueprint showed an invention greater than the last, I grabbed for another file and another, all were full of the crazy unimaginable inventions that I haven't even heard of before.

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