Chapter Eight

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A few hours later, I lay on my back in my bed, staring up at the ceiling, and wishing I didn't suffer from insomnia. My sleeplessness wasn't helped by the constant sounds that came from the rest of the guesthouse, courtesy of Sinjin. First it was the television, which was so loud, I could have mistaken my vampire roommate for an eighty-year-old deaf woman. Next were his incessant footsteps on the hardwood floors. And on this subject, I knew he was being loud deliberately because he was usually as light as a cat on his feet.

Groaning, I pushed myself out of bed and plodded to the chair nearest the bed where I'd draped the pile of clothing Sinjin purchased for me. I grabbed a pair of black workout pants, a sports bra and a hoodie sweatshirt. Because I didn't possess any pajamas, I'd slept naked, which made getting dressed again a little bit faster. I pulled my yoga pants up my legs and threw the sports bra over my head. I had to wrestle my breasts into it because they were a bit too large for the bra, but I managed. Then I pulled the sweatshirt over my head and started for the bedroom door. Even though I figured it would be for naught, I tried the doorknob anyway. I couldn't deny my surprise when I found it unlocked. Hmm, so apparently Sinjin wasn't exactly careful when it came to ensuring his prisoner was ... imprisoned. Opening the door, I stepped into the hallway. "Okay, I give up! You win!" I called out.

"What have I won, little tempest?" Sinjin inquired from where he was sitting on the couch in the living room. I heard the pop of the television being turned off. Moments later, he stood before me, wearing a big grin.

"I can't sleep," I complained with a frown. "Which I'm sure has been your intention since I went to bed."

Sinjin shrugged. "While I pity all your sheep that, unfortunately, remain uncounted, I must admit that I find it difficult to keep myself amused."

I shook my head and sighed. "A vampire with ADD, this is classic."

Sinjin didn't respond, but instead took stock of me in his customary fashion. He started at my head, pausing for a long moment on my bust before glancing down to my legs and coming back up again. "I must compliment you again on how well you fill out the attire I procured for you," he said at last.

"Thanks, I guess," I grunted.

Sinjin chuckled. "Perhaps it should be I who is thanking you," he remarked as a libidinous smile curved his mouth and he looked me up and down again. "And the rear side of you?"

"I'm not showing you my ass," I spat out at him. "And I wasn't thanking you for the clothes either," I continued, throwing my hands on my hips.

"Interesting. Then what were you thanking me for?" he inquired, his eyes narrowing as he studied me with a smirk.

I paused for a few seconds because I wasn't sure what it was that I'd been thanking him for. "I was, uh, merely saying thanks for your compliment about how I filled out this outfit," I said at last, going for the first idea that occurred to me.

"Well, you are quite welcome, my beautiful little heathen," Sinjin responded. "Had I known you enjoyed compliments so much, I would have showered more upon you."

"No," I said abruptly. "I don't enjoy compliments...I mean, I don't care about them," I corrected myself, feeling frustration burning me. "The truth is that I really don't care what you think or don't think about me."

"Oh, rest assured that I do think about you, my little fury. Quite often, as a matter of fact," Sinjin chuckled as he clapped his hands together. "Well, now that we have that little subject all cleared up, perhaps we should move on to the next one."

"Which is?"

He didn't reply, but simply held up his long index finger, indicating that I should stay where I was. He, meanwhile, disappeared into the bedroom, which was beside mine. He returned within moments, holding my dagger that I always kept strapped to my thigh. He extended his arm with the dagger in his hand, but I didn't reach for it right away.

Sinjin, A Vampire RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now