Chapter Twenty-Four

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I had no doubt my dear, little assassin did not relish the prospect of walking down the aisle with me, her arch enemy. I would try to discount that knowledge as I savored the way her soft skin felt against mine.

I could not express my emotions regarding the wedding of my Queen.

No, I did not like her choice for a mate and he sure as hell did not like me. But I knew he loved her and she loved him, of that there was no denying. I also knew he would protect her. Not as well as I could, naturally, but he would do his utmost to secure her safety, of that I was sure.

And he was the father of the child that now grew inside her womb. His powers were considerable, I had to admit. So c'est la vie.

Let it go, Sinjin. Let it go.

Yes, I would. I had to let it go.

My eyes landed on the Princess and any residual thoughts I may have had about Jolie instantly evaporated.

Her sister looked breathtaking, jaw-dropping, heart-throbbing and gorgeous.

Good enough to devour. If only. If only...

I was quite shocked to see her in a dress. Appearing so... feminine. And good lord, how well she filled out that frock! Such magnificent bosoms!

She was nervous too, my little warrior, visibly anxious. I never heard her heart hammering so furiously, or felt her pulse beating with such rapidity. Not even when she ambushed me that night, intent on executing my murder. Nor when she nearly plunged the dagger into my chest. Nor when she was so consumed with desire, she admitted she wanted me inside her. Yes, that was certainly one of my prouder moments.

Was it really the ridiculous shoes that made her so nervous? I must say, it was most amusing to watch her trying to navigate her way up the aisle in those towering heels. I struggled between trying not to snigger out loud and needing to protect her.

It was so rare when she appeared vulnerable. And my joy was quite unbridled when she was forced to lean so heavily upon me. I relished her weight against me, and her shape, and her skin. It almost made me feel like I was her man. And when she said it was our turn soon, a jolt bolted through my body. Our turn? For what, my beautiful tempest? Were we about to pledge our love to each other? But I quickly banished that thought as foolish fantasy.

For I was not the type of man to pledge my love to anyone or foolish enough to fall in love. Lust, yes.

My eyes feasted on her when the ceremony began. She was so intent on watching Jolie and Randall, she could not tear her eyes away from them. I had no problem, however. Life was lonely enough for me without having to witness what this couple had, something I would never possess. Their devotion to one another was painfully palpable.

Never having cared about such inane and artificial unions in the past, why did this marriage bother me to the extent that it did?

Furthermore, did Bryn feel the same way about it as I did? I labored to read her thoughts, but as usual, drew a complete blank. Her expression was sorrowful, which could have been owing to a number of things. Perhaps she was thinking of a man from her own tribe that she had been forced to leave behind.

After a while, I could no longer look at any of them.

It was safer to examine the ground until the bloody thing was all over and done with. Then something caused me to look up - the power of Bryn's gaze. We locked eyes in a way that was truly mesmerizing. She could not look away and neither could I. Her expression was one of yearning. For what?

I longed to know the truth but I could only wonder.

Oh, how I wondered.


I pulled my attention away from Sinjin and watched Rand take Jolie's hand. The two of them turned around to face the audience. Everyone started clapping. I started to clap, until I felt a throbbing pain right behind my eyes. I closed them immediately as I brought my hands to my forehead and rubbed my temples, trying to ward the sharp stabbing away. I could hear the roar of the audience as some people broke into a song, but I couldn't open my eyes. The pain behind them was too severe.

Bryn. It was Luce! Although I couldn't see him in my mind's eye, I knew his voice anywhere. It is time.

Time for what? I inquired in thought, feeling the weight of the world suddenly descending on my shoulders. My stomach churned and I felt dizzy.

We are coming for you and your sister, he answered nonchalantly.

When? I asked, feeling sick to my stomach as my heartbeat began rampaging through me.

Within the hour.

No! I barked back immediately before I realized I needed to explain myself. It's too soon. I ... I haven't been here long enough to learn everything you wanted me to learn. I thought of any argument just so I could buy myself some time. You have to wait, Luce. Now is not the right time!

We have raided your subconscious, which stores all your memories, Bryn, he continued. And we know enough now to invade and successfully defeat our enemies. Our army is strong and we are ready. Now is the best time to take them by surprise. There was a pause before he added, You have been of immense service to your people, Bryn. I am proud of everything you've done in the name of your tribe. Without you, none of this would have been possible.

But I could take no comfort in his words.

Dear Reader:

This is the last page of this book but the Sinjin series includes 6 books so far! Here is the reading order and all of the books are available on Amazon, Apple Books, Barnes and Noble and Kobo:

1. Sinjin
2. The Scent
3. The Gentleman
4. The Flame
5. The Suitor
6. The Awakening

For more information about Bryn and Sinjin, visit my website:

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