Chapter Eighteen

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I paced up and down in my silent, vampiresque manner, pausing every now and then to kick a conveniently placed item of furniture. Bloody hell! That woman was so infuriating at times! For one, she could not keep her blasted mouth shut. Why did she have to give the game away to that hellcat, Mercedes? I even offered the girl a way out and she refused to take it, point blank. What on earth could have been her motivation? Did she really hate me so much that she was willing to risk her own life merely to humiliate me? The answer was clearly a resounding yes. I should not have been surprised. She went to quite a lot of trouble to try to murder me, after all. I guess after that, it was all a crap game. But stupid! So stupid!

And what the hell was this bloody charade she kept going on about? The woman was making a fool of me when she should have been showing me proper respect. I defeated her in armed combat, and was magnanimous enough to allow her to continue to live. And I left her intact when she was mine for the taking. A little bit of gratitude? A smidgen of respect? Forget it!

Then, to cap it all, she recounts a pack of blatant lies concerning that big, bleeding fairy! As if I give a rat's arse about that idiot! I have actually seen his manhood last midsummer's eve! 'Twas a most unfortunate night! Lo, a most unfortunate night! All the fae folk proceeded to get sloppy drunk before swimming naked in the loch. I say this most regrettably, but my poor eyes were cruelly assaulted when I was forced to witness the king buffoon sans his clothing. Let me tell you, dear reader, that his feeble appendage was nothing to write home about! An elephant trunk? No, it was not! A fire hose? Ha! A writhing, virulent snake? His meager unit looked more like a cold, discarded French fry! Perhaps two !

I should have known at once the little twit was doing her best to rile me and make me jealous. As if I even cared what she did when I was not guarding her. Odran and his farsighted earthworm could have her, for all I cared. She was much more trouble than she was worth, that girl.

I flung myself down on my bed and assumed my usual sleeping position, screwing my eyes tightly shut. But alas, as always, sleep would not come to me. The disturbing images of Odran and the little minx forbade it. I kept seeing that big, blonde oaf holding the infuriating pixie in his arms, and touching her and tasting her when I should have been the one holding her.

Luckily I am not the jealous type.

Bugger that anyway. I intended to ask Odran myself exactly what happened between the two of them in Fairy Land - or anywhere else for that matter.

Why? Because all I ever managed to get from that exasperating woman was a litany of lies followed by more outrageous lies in her incessant attempts to irritate me until I lost my cool. Well, I had had quite enough of that! I intended to hear the truth directly from the horse's mouth. Or in this case, perhaps it was more fitting to say I intended to hear it directly from the horse's arse!

I laughed heartily at my new moniker for Odran. See!? I was feeling better already. I merely had to remove myself from her company and insert myself into the privacy of my own bedchamber.

Like Odran probably inserted himself inside the Princess?

That thought caused my jaw to lock. If I spared her virginity only to have that buffoon take it...! Oh, 'twould be a foul reckoning indeed. I stood up at once and threw open the bedroom door, needing to soak in the cold night air.

Darkness had fully descended and I inhaled the night air deeply. So sweet and heavily scented it was. My acute sense of hearing picked up all there was to hear. I detected the fox rustling in the long grass ahead. An owl hooted in the distant forest. Above my head, bats wheeled in their search for night-time snacks. Or was it breakfast for them? It seemed like all the creatures of the night emerged to greet me, offering their support and aiding me on my quest.

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