Chapter Seventeen

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"And what a shame that she wasn't successful in her attempt," Mercedes said under her breath as she faced me again. Her suspicion was still evident in her features. "You do realize that any attempt to murder the queen's protector is punishable by death?"

"Now, I guess you'll inform me that you must have my head!" I exclaimed sarcastically. Inwardly, I breathed a sigh of relief because it appeared that Mercedes bought my explanation for the wards' surge in magic. As long as I could keep my tangled web securely woven and away from the real truth, I was looking good.

Mercedes addressed Sinjin. "Would you care to press charges against her?"

Sinjin eyed me narrowly, but I saw a smile turning up the corners of his mouth. "Hmmm," he said, "that is quite a loaded question. Her demise would restore my evenings to me to do with as I like."

"Will you or won't you?" Mercedes demanded impatiently.

"Not this time, my good prophetess, not this time," Sinjin said as he shook his head, his eyes never leaving mine. "Gumption and unbridled ambition should never be discouraged."

I held his eyes, but I didn't respond to his comment. Meanwhile, Mercedes turned on her heels and started for my bedroom door. When she reached it, she paused with her hand on the doorknob and turned to face me. "You might have convinced your sister that you're trustworthy, but you will never convince me."

I nodded, but the expression on my face told her, in no uncertain terms, that I didn't care. I remained quiet as I watched her leave my room and heard the sounds of her footsteps as she walked across the wood floors, heading for the front door. At the sound of Mathilda clearing her throat, I glanced down at her.

"I do not share the prophetess's perspective, child," she said in her high-pitched and melodious voice. "I believe there is true goodness inside you," she continued before reaching out and touching me above my heart. "I can feel it."

"Maybe you can talk Mercedes into feeling it too?" I suggested with a dry laugh.

Mathilda continued to smile up at me and nodded. "She will see it in time, child, as will everyone else." Then she turned around and offered Sinjin a broad smile, covering his hand with her much smaller one. "You are doing a very good job with her, Sinjin," she complimented him.

Sinjin didn't say anything, but merely nodded as he politely covered her hand with his and walked her to my door before they both approached the front door, talking about something that I failed to hear. I walked into the living room just as Sinjin closed the door behind Mathilda. He turned around to face me while shaking his head.

"Well, I must confess that I believed you were smarter than you looked but, apparently, such is not the case."

"I don't care that Mercedes knows I tried to kill you," I snapped, throwing my hands on my hips. "I'm more than sure that anyone who knows you would definitely understand my reasons why."

Sinjin dropped his head back as a hearty, unrestrained laugh escaped him. "Very well-articulated, Bête Noire," he said mockingly. Then the laugh and smirk vanished from his lips. "Perhaps you successfully detoured Mercedes from the real reason her wards recorded a surge in magic?"

I was surprised and my eyebrows arched up accordingly, to which Sinjin chuckled. "The real reason?" I repeated, pretending to have no clue to what he was referring. "That was the real reason."

"Really, my little hellion, you do not give me the credit I deserve."

"I don't believe you deserve any credit," I responded tartly as I took a seat on my bed again and decided ignoring him might be the best course of action.

Sinjin, A Vampire RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now