5 | drawing

23 4 1

I went back into my room and got changed.

But seriously, who did he think he was, talking to me like that?!

Just as I was about to get in bed, my door opens.


"Hey.. aga sis"

He comes in and sits at the edge of the bed.

"Ne? What's up"

He scratches his head.

"I'm just.. wondering if your okay with the guys.."

"Yes! I'm totally fine, I love them!"

He smiles and squeezes my hand.

"I'm glad, now get to sleep.. you're back to school tomorrow."

I smile and nod.

He gives me one last teethy smile before walking out.

Ah don't I just have the best brother in the world.

I put on Rick And Morty.

Just as my eyes were getting heavy, I footsteps, after a few seconds I open my eyes to see.


What does the boy want oh my god

"What're you doing, freak" I say while my eyes are half shut.

He was just standing there, with his lip curved.

" You just looked so..peaceful, and not like you was about to shout at me" he chuckles

I roll my eyes and shoo him out

"Goodnight beautiful"

"Nighty night rabbit"

Instead of walking out, he came back in, walking towards me.

"What are you doing-"

I sit up and put my arms in front of me.

"Go away!"

He climbs onto the bed.

"What the fuck are you doing?!"

He grabs my ankles and pulls them.

He's now sat between my thighs

"Oh my god go away! I'll shout namjoon."

He leans down and blows on my stomach, which made me laugh.

"Jungkook- sto- JUNGKOOK"
I was trying to hard not to laugh.

But then I bursted out laughing.

I literally felt him smiling.

After a few minutes he stopped. I was panting from how much I was laughing.

He kisses my stomach and stands up

"Don't call me a rabbit again, or else.. now goodnight aleumdaun.."

"Goodnight.. Jungkookie" after that I turn away and get under the covers"

The door hasn't closed yet

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