16 | sick

18 3 5

~The next morning~

I sit up, and rub my eyes.

I look to the side of me, and Jungkook is already awake.

"holy shit" I whisper.

"Princess~" he pulls me back down, to lay with him.

"Can you go get me like, a shirt or something?"

He nods, and he gets out of bed.

The rat must've changed while I was sleeping! But he's just in boxers.

He goes in his wardrobe, takes out a T-shirt and hands it to me.

"How do you feel baby?" He grins.

"My whole body aches" I say while rubbing my slap marks.

"You didn't need to be that aggressive!"

"Yes but it was hot when you was yelping out"

I stand up, "Okay I don't want to talk about it."

I walk out the door and into the kitchen, he follows.

When I walk in, Yoongi is sat in his seat, as per usual, and Jimin is leant on the counter, on his phone.

He looks up at both of us then raises his eyebrows up and down.

"How did it go~" he dances and walks at the same time.

"He made me climb up the bed to him, because he thought it was hot"

Jimin bursted out laughing.

"It was hot!" Jungkook shouted.

Then I felt someone's hands on my shoulders, I turn around and Namjoon is there.

"Did he hurt you?! Did he force you to do anything?! Was he mean?! I swear I'll beat him up ivy if he's done something wro-"

"No Namjoon, everything's-"

Suddenly I felt something coming up my stomach.

I barge past Namjoon, and ran into my room, and into my ensuite.

I threw up.

Namjoon came in, and he held my hair back.

"Fuck Ivy, did you use protection?!"

My heart stopped.


I shake my head and then more vomit came out of me.

"Fucking Jeon Jungkook! Get your ass here now!" Namjoon shouted.

Jungkook ran in.

"What is it?!" He said as he sat beside me.

"You did use god damn protection"

He scratches his head, then his eyes widened


He throws his head back.

"Get dressed, go to the store, and get a pregnancy test"

Jungkook jumps to his feet, and he ran out.

~10 minutes later~

Namjoon wrapped me up in a blanket, I don't know why.. I'm not sick.. well I am but not that type of sick.

Jungkook runs into the apartment.

"Here" he hands me the test,I take it and I ran into the bathroom.

I did what I needed to do, after a few minutes, it came up with an answer "Not Pregnant"

I run out of the bathroom, and into the kitchen.

I throw my hands up "I'm not pregnant!"

Everyone cheers except Jungkook.

"You alright baby?" I walk up to jungkook, and lifted his chin up.

"Yes, Princess"

He kissed me, then he sat down on the couch.

"Heck, it's so weird seeing you guys all, lovey dovey" Namjoon rubs his eyes.

"Next, I'm getting you a girlfriend Joon!" I tap his nose.

~timeskip to 6:45PM~

"Do you have to go to school tomorrow..?" Jungkook groans.

"Yes! If I miss it then Namjoon will hit the roof!"

"But you're sick~"

I stand up from the couch, "Well I'm not anymore!"

"Now I need a shower, goodnight Jungkookie"

"Nighty night Maelyeog"

I go into my room, and I turn the shower on.

~timeskip to 7:30AM~

I wake up with a strong pair of arms around me.

"Aw.. you woke up, I was hoping you'd stay asleep, and miss school"

"No baby." I get stand up, but jungkook pulls me back down.

"Crap.. Jungkook let go I'm gonna throw up-" I run into the bathroom, and I threw up.

"Sorry, did I hurt your tummy?" He comes after me, and he holds my hair back.

"I don't think I can go to school today.."


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