21 | Jungkook

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~Jungkooks POV~

Namjoon and Taehyung were sat by my side, while jimin was walking around the room.

To be honest, I didn't know what to think.. or feel.

Excited? Nervous? I don't know!

Another 30 minutes passed and she still wasn't out.

"Is she okay? She's been in there for nearly an hour." I asked Namjoon.

"Labour takes as long as it needs to.. she'll be out soon kook" he patted my back.

Then the nurse came out of the room, "I'm sorry, Mr Jeon.. she's had a miscarriage"

I shot up from my seat.

"No don't lie to me" my throat thickened.

"I'm very sorry.. would you like to see her?"

I nodded and I ran into the room.

"Ivy.. are you okay?!" She was crying.


"Yes..baby?" I felt a few tears running down my face.

"Jungkook?" She hasn't opened her eyes.

"Yes, Princess.. what is it?"


I threw my head back, and my head banged on the wall.

"Why are you crying?"

I woke up next to Jimin and Taehyung.

"Ivy has had a miscarriage." I looked down, with tears still running down my cheeks.

"No she hasn't, Namjoon has gone to see her, we wanted to wait until you woke up.

I jumped up from my seat. "Let's go!"

I ran into the room, and Ivy was laid on the bed with Namjoon holding a baby.

I went to see if ivy was okay first, "How are you, Princess?" I sat beside her.

"I don't think I'll be able to walk for days" she groaned.

"Go take a look at the baby, your son"

my son

I looked over in Namjoons direction.

"Come on kook, don't get all nervous"

I slowly walked over to him and the baby.

Namjoon stood up and handed me him.

"Jeon Haechan" I looked down at my son

After I held him for a while, his eyes opened, he had deep, brown eyes.

Just looking into them I can tell that he has a bright future ahead of him.

Then, I kissed his nose and he gave me a slight smile.

My heart literally melted.

"Daddy's here" I hugged him.

It felt so good saying that.

It felt even better knowing that I'll be saying that for a while.

"It's crazy how fast this has been.. it felt like just a week ago I moved in.." She plays with her hair.

"I'm glad you're happy, aga sis" Namjoon rubs her hand.

Then I gave Ivy the baby.

She looked.. so happy.

"Good news, Miss Kim, you will be able to go home in 2 days!"

I took a look at Taehyung and Jimin, they were both waiting silently at the door.

I could tell they wanted to hold him.

"Boys, would you like to hold him?" I asked them.

Taehyung flashed his boxy smile, "Yes! Yes" he trotted to me and held his hands out.

I took the baby from Ivy, and gave him to Taehyung.

"His eyes.." Jimin was stood with Taehyung, looking at Haechan.

~an hour later~

"Okay boys it's leaving time, we need to do some things to Ivy." The nurse said.

I walked over to Ivy and kissed her, "I love you"

"I love you more"

the kissed her one last time then I left with the boys.

"We should go buy some more baby stuff!" I say.

Taehyung smiles and clapped his hands. "Yes!" We jumped in the car with and I drove us to a baby store.

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