14 | will you?

27 3 23

I finish my bowl of cereal and jungkook takes it away, then I go to brush my teeth and get dressed.

Just as I was about to get dressed, someone came in.

"Baby please spend today with me.."

He walks up to me, and grabs my waist.

"Doing what?" I ask him.

"Just..watching movies~ eating~ playing games.." he winked while he said that-

"I say yes to the movie and food but.. no games, only if I get to choose them"

He nods and looks away.

"Okay come to my room once you're finishing doing.. whatever" he pulls away.

I nod.


I open the door to Jungkooks room, he's laid down, scrolling through Netflix on his tv which is bigger then mine-

"Come here maelyeog"

I go to the end of the bed, and I crawled up to him.

"You look hot doing that, could you maybe crawl up the bed in.. you know.. other situations?"

I sit down next to him, and lightly slapped his chest.

"Anyway, I got some snackssss! And looks like you brought me a snack too!" He looks me up and down.

"I didn't bring anything?" I raise an eyebrow.

Then he sits up, and lifts me onto his lap, "You're my snack, and there's nothing you can do about it!"

He kisses my forehead.

"Okay what are we watching?" I get off of his lap.

"No I didn't say you could move" he moves me back.

"And were watching spongebob the movie okay?" He says while kissing my cheek.

"You're such a baby"

He turns it on and I laid between his legs, with the back of me head rested on his stomach.

~time skip to 3PM~

We've watched about 4 films, and had a few makeout sessions- but nothing weird.. u know?

Now we've just finished watching titanic, "princess, can i take you out for dinner tonight?" He asked

"Yes of course" I say while holding his hand.

~time skip (again) to 6PM~

Ding dong

I run to the door, as soon as I open it, Jisa drags me to my room,

"If this is your first date with jungkook then you need to look HOT" she places her bag on my bed and takes out two dresses, and she hands them to me,

"Try both of these on" I nod and run into the bathroom.

The first dress I tried on was jet black, it was cut off just above the knee and shoulderless.

I came out and showed Jisa,

She looked at me and raised an eyebrow.

"No" she pushed me back into the bathroom:

The next dress I tried on was very exposing.

It was like the the other one, but with cuts in the dress,

It was like the the other one, but with cuts in the dress,

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I come out of the bathroom, and jisa's jaw drops,

And to be honest, I don't know why I'm so surprised.. I mean.. it's Jisa, of course she's going to make me look like a stripper.

"Okay you're wearing that, definitely!" She stands up, and takes me outside.

"Jungkook told me to drive you to the restaurant"

We both get in the car, and she goes as fast as she can.


She drove me there, and did my makeup in the car.

"Okay! Go!" She giggles and claps.

I don't get out.

"Can you walk me in..?" I asked her

She rolled her eyes and nodded.

We both got out the car, and I looked at the resturaunt.

"pájaros del amor" I whisper to myself.

This must be a Spanish restaurant.

Jisa takes me to the doors.

"Okay.. go on!" She lightly pushes me.

"Okay Ivy, woman up!" I say to myself.

I walk in, and there's lots of people sat at their tables.

I look around for Jungkook, then I finally reach the back corner, and he's there..

"I'm gonna do sum real cheesy" I think to myself.

I walk up behind him and I put my hands over his eyes.

"Guess who~"

"Is it my little maelyeog?" He grabs both of my wrists, pulls them off of his eyes and looks at me.

"Holy shit" he whispers to himself.

"Eh, atleast it'll be easier to rip off tonight." He grins.

"Anyway my baby, take a seat" he stands up, and pulls the chair out for me.

I sit down, and he takes his seat again.

"You look nice" I say to him.

"It's all Jimin, he even did a little makeup" he laughed through his breath.

"You look just.. wowzer" He says, resting his arms on the table.

"Thank Jisa, she makes me look like a stripper"

"Hmm Kim Ivy, a stripper.. I like it!" He flashes a cute smile.

"Well heck"

~timeskip, they've both finished their food, and now they're paying~

"Look, Ivy.. here's the real reason I asked you out for dinner is because.. I'm just gonna ask the master question"

The master question

My heart




"Will you- uhm" he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Will you be my boyfriend?- I mean can I be your girlfriend? WAIT NO I MEAN.."

I giggle

"Just, will you be mine?"

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